
Responses from newbee

Tubes in Hi-End Preamps
Mr Tennis, "Neutrality does not exist. It is unobtainable" Please explain how you know this to be so. Have you heard all the equipment available? Or, as I suspect, are you just making a provocative statement based on a huge surmise, without any fa... 
wht is the difference between good and bad sound ?
Mr Tennis, I will answer your question as soon as you provide me with a concise definition of your terms. Please define 'good sound' and 'bad sound'. When I understand this I will have a basis for reaching a conclusion about what differences, if a... 
Now, finally, just the music
Warren, Enjoy it while it lasts. You've just described the disease which afflicts most all audiophiles. They have become so attentive to the sound of their stuff they can no longer just relax and get absorbed in the music. If you think this is not... 
what is an audiophile ?
If I were one (what ever it is) I wouldn't admit it - in fact I'd do everything I could to disguise it! Ugh! 
help with a lush 50 watt+ amp
Do you have a budget? New or used? Are you going to drive your Quads? I can't recall your pre-amp - what are you using? 
what is the difference between good and bad music
Its amazing how many of you guys seem to actually listen to music and care whether or not its "good or bad". Hell, I thought this hobby was all about listening to trains, planes, and cannon shots. Maybe, for the more advanced musicphiles amoungt u... 
panels vs cones which is best and why ?
My Quads and Acoustats are in the closet. I have no problems such as you have described with the box speakers that succeeded them, but then I choose my amplification very carefully to match my speakers needs. Go figure. 
Seeking advise on 6922 tubes for a preamplifier..
Usa, Think of changing tubes as comparible to changing components. It can make as much or more difference than the differences between CDP's or amps. Lacking specific knowledge of the outcome of changing tubes in the '16' and what if any tonal dif... 
panels vs cones which is best and why ?
I'm glad you like panels - good choice. Did you have a specific question, or observation, or are you looking for validation of some sort? 
persoanlity and speaker preference
I use box speakers.I like weak, dumb, flashy blondes.I like short walks accross the music room.And I like banana splits with only vanilla ice cream.I'm a fat, bald, white male approaching senility. 
Seeking advise on 6922 tubes for a preamplifier..
Different tubes produce different tonal patterns in different equipment. Much depends on the design of your pre-amp and your sonic expectations. If you identify your pre-amp and tell us what you are trying to improve in its sound quality it would ... 
Passion or obsession
I hope in the first sentence of your last paragraph you are only referring to the connection of audio to the listening experience, that is the apparent need for excellence for one to enjoy the music. Not, that folks here have an 'exaggerated sense... 
please help with new purchase
Csmithbarc, Cartridges have varing levels of output, from low output MC's to high output MM's. If you use a high output MM cartridge just about any phono stage will have enuf gain, but many built in phono stages are not high gain and cannot drive ... 
Passion or obsession
If your passion for music has been superceded by your obsession with audio components and set up you really do need professional help! :-) 
Anybody have a problem buying modded units.
IMHO I think I'd much rather put together a system as you have, by spending your money on high quality components in the first place than buy an inexpensive unit and have the passive parts upgraded. I remain cynical, not so much about the final so...