Responses from newbee
High eff speakers? Sonata III, Super III, OR ??? Duke, Sorry about that 'dirty' word, I didn't mean to imply that the posts were accompanied by nude pictures. Quick and simple always works best for me, especially simple. Since your explainations were intelligible to me I thought they would be ea... | |
New Von Schweikert VR SR4 mk11 Cream or Crap ??? Gammajo, LOL. Erratic! Perhaps for those not involved, but if you happened to have spent good money and don't get service when you need it then I think you would agree that it's crappy! I know some of VSA's speakers have a good reputation for perf... | |
Help with decision on selling Sony SCD-1 I've owned (and still do) multiple redbook CDP's. I can assure you they all sound different (assuming you are listening for them of course - big differences to me may be insignificant to you). I've little doubt that there is a difference with the ... | |
Speaker Footer Advise Please As a pratical matter concrete is not resonant. So long as your speakers are connected directly to the concrete via any type of well constructed and effective spikes, i.e. those that effectively piece carpet and pad and support you speakers firmly,... | |
High eff speakers? Sonata III, Super III, OR ??? FWIW, if you're committed to getting a set amp and efficient speakers (other than horns) do some research on the interface of the amp's output impedence and the speakers imput impedence curves. Amps output impedence with tube amps is a largly undi... | |
Help integrated amp is not working? I'm still not sure what you have done re tube replacement. I suggest you do the following: 1) Swithch power tubes from left channel into right channel. Does the dead channel come to life and the working channel die? If so you have found that you h... | |
Help integrated amp is not working? Did you change all of the tubes or just the power tubes. If the latter you may have had a small tube die. They do that from time to time. If you haven't already try switching these tubes as well. | |
Stereo channel balance/image IME most imbalance issues, apart from weak tubes and TT set up, are due to system set up, including seating position, which is caused by unbalanced reflections, such as having the left speaker further or closer to a wall than the right speaker, or... | |
Review: Raysonic 128 CDP CD Player Jackthecat, If you want to hear an excellent tube in this unit (and a lot of other units as well) try Bugle Boys (Amperex - Holland). You only need to use 2 of them. You put them in the inner or outer sockets, depending on whether you are using RC... | |
Attenuator recommendations Excellent point Herman. There are pre-amps with input gain switches. The manufacturers saw nothing wrong with putting the reduction ahead of the pre-amp line stage. ARC did this and others I'm sure.Actually, although no one has mentioned this (I d... | |
Is it to much power? You really can't have too much power, but you can sure use too much power! I would imaging that a high quality 200wt amp would be more than you would ever need and probably wouldn't cost near as much. If you've never heard this amp and your speake... | |
Preamp output voltage...affect on volume??? No. It won't sound louder. By using the attenuator you will have effectively reduced the output to the amp to the same level, you'll just have a lot of power in reserve that you will never use unless you have a grossly insensitive amp or one speci... | |
CDP voltage output...what does it mean to volume? I believe the difference between 2v and 6v output is 12db. Thats a quasi educated guess. I do 'know' that the difference between 2v and 4v is 6db so I assumed an equal increase from 4v to 6v. :-) | |
Preamp output voltage...affect on volume??? If they both start a 0 and attunuate at .5db to max all it means is that the 50 'volter will drive a far more insensitive amp and or long runs of cables with out degredation. Beware however, some amps have large initial steps of attenuation, as mu... | |
6550s vs kt88s for a mac 275 amp FWIW, regarding Reprince's comments and Tvads concurrence, in my experience the 6550s (SED's especially)is similar except I would describe it a little differently. I consider the 6550 to have a more linear sound with a softer high end than the KT8... |