
Responses from newbee

Does your system sound better or worse?
Bbro, I hope your system sounds better when you wake up in the morning than my Friday night date looks when I wake up on Saturday morning. Drinking is such an evil thing! :-) 
Recommend a forward speaker
John, A very interesting observation about why people rotate gear! Something I've done more out of curiosity than anything else. But I think its not so much about the need for change to avoid long term listening as the failure of something you've ... 
Tube Tuners
As with yourself, I love tubes - not necessarily just vintage stuff though and I almost went the tube tuner route ala McIntosh some years ago. Before I did the deed, I had an opportunity to listen to a Accuphase 101 in my system (all tubes) and I ... 
Recommend a forward speaker
Sounds as likely as anything I can think of, but I'm not a speaker designer. I've never thought, from what I've actually heard, that bringing the plane of the image forward had much, if anything, to do with frequency response. I've had bright cone... 
Recommend a forward speaker
Dennis, Re horn speakers - AGon's resident 'expert' on horns and other speakers which might have a more forward speaker imaging plane, NOT just increased volume in certain frequencies which often is nothing more than selective brightness to inhanc... 
Recommend a forward speaker
I owned some Altec 19's for a couple of years. The stereo image is fairly forward and the speaker (a horn with a big cone woofer) is not bright. Good tight bass. The forward part of the image was on a plane with the fronts of the speakers. I under... 
Considering going Vinyl--Please talk me out of it
Been there, done that - a couple of times. Bottom line, if you don't have music on LP's that you really want to hear don't go there. If you do, then you don't have a choice do you. Audiophilia without musical reward can get real boring, quick! 
AES Cary Sixpacs and Silverline Audio Sonata III
Bauerp, While I assume you have already done so, if you haven't read the review of the III in 6 moons I suggest you do so. The guy that wrote it owned the II's and bought the III's. From all I can tell, from my limited listening to it, he hits the... 
AES Cary Sixpacs and Silverline Audio Sonata III
Tvad, Interesting observations about the III's mid-range being recessed. I'd hate to see what you thought of my Bolero's! :-) When you were considering tube amps were you also considering the type of power tubes used in them might contribute to th... 
What's causing the highs to be rolled-off?
Funny thing just happened to me. I just recapped some old mono amps and was using them in a secondary system to break in the caps. The funny thing was that the mids sounded fine but the top end was a bit rolled and mid/low bass was AWOL. I did som... 
AES Cary Sixpacs and Silverline Audio Sonata III
FWIW, I do not have the Silverline III's (I have the Bolero's) but I have heard them at Silverlines location in California. I think Tvads comments are probably right on, considering that you like rock and like to 'turn the volume up'. If I had bou... 
What is the optimal temperature/humidity for audio
Nrchy, Be warned. I just saw a bunch of guys down the street from you putting on some white sheets, heating up tar, cutting up some feather pillows, and chopping down a telephone pole. If I were you I'd not answer my door after dark! THEY'RE COMIN... 
Pre Amp or Amp Best Money Spent
Long term benefits are best served by buying the best pre-amp you can afford, Rogue or not, and then build up your system around it. Speakers, amps, and sources come and go with regularity but most folks could effectively use the same pre-amp for ... 
N802 + Velodyne DD-18???
I just tried to correct some nulls in the bass (40/50hz)as heard in the listening position by using a sub and a parametric equalizer to supplement mains operating full range (down to 28hz). It didn't flatten (raise) those nulls appreciably, either... 
Stereophile Article - Holt telling it like it is.
Good thoughts Emailists, Funny, that BBC dip thing. IMHO it works very well in closely recorded, often multi-miked and mixed, music. Sort of balances out and can sound a bit more realistic. But if the music is recorded with a mike from a more dist...