
Responses from newbee

CD Player break in period
Break in is a fact on electronics and speakers, but whether it has broken in and is now sounding optimum, or still has some way to go, depends IMHO on whether you have ever heard one operating under optimum conditions and are comparing it to that ... 
Tube CDP/DAC sound: too "refined"?
"TAS has written glowing reviews of this system"...And your point is 1)The dealer hasn't got a clue or, 2)TAS is 'unreliable', or 3) Both? FWIW, after reading some of TAS's more recent reviews I suspect #3 applies. :-) 
Size matters...need smaller speakers
Emailists, Why not just start a new thread and provide info regarding your room dimensions and speaker/listening position set up as well as the speakers identification. I suspect your get more, and better, responses than just piggy backing on Tboo... 
Tube sound with no tubes
Perhaps I'm too cynical but when folks say a SS piece 'sounds like tubes' I assume that it has a dark tone, is closed in, and in fact sounds nothing like tubes. Conversely, when someone sez that a tube piece sounds like SS it is unduly emphasizing... 
Size matters...need smaller speakers
FWIW small speakers on stands are just as demanding as large full range systems when it comes to high quality soundstaging. As a pratical matter all you do by going small is give up LF information and reducing visual impact. The foot print won't c... 
Two subs, yes or no?
If you are using two small 'monitors' having two subs will allow you place the subs close enuf to the monitors so that stereo signals coming from the sub (above the nominal cross over point) will integrate with the same sound from the monitor and ... 
Need budget CHEAP speaker cables
Canare 4s11 is an excellent inexpensive speaker cable. The best part of it is that even when you upgrade your system you will likely still get excellent results. IMHO this is a benchmark cable and while you may be able to get 'better' it may just ... 
Who is your favorite jazz pianist
Anybody like Ahmad Jamal besides me? If you haven't heard him you should give him a listen. For anyone who likes an easy going jazz (not smooth jazz!) excellent sound check him out in his two Telarc recordings, "Chicago Revisited' and 'I Remember ... 
The most important link in the chain...
Well, without denegrating the 'weak link' comments, somehow we have to get by this old chicken v egg conversation.Everybody has to start somewhere and no one that I know has ever bought a well researched high end system all at one time. Most every... 
Tube CDP/DAC sound: too "refined"?
That is a silly assumption. You need to get out and listen to better stuff in better systems. Cincy Bob sez it all and I agree with him. Hell, I bet if I did that, I might even find a SS unit I might like. Oh, I guess I already did that - :-) 
tube Watts vs solid state Watts
A watt is a watt, an amp is an amp, they all just amplify a signal, and probably sound alike. Or not........ 
Tube amp location
John I have some small (5" ?) 120v fans made for electronic cases I got at an electronics store. Run full speed they were quite noisy from air flow. They also vibrated a tad as well. I got a 'varible fan speed control' at Home Depot which works ve... 
"mini" monitors for Primaluna prologue two
Don't overlook the Silverline Minuets. They have gotten great reviews and I heard a stacked (horizontally) pair at Silverline and was greatly impressed. If I was in the market these would be my 1st choice. $600 retail. Not a lot of money spent on ... 
Are Sound Waves Able To Penetrate Canvas Painting?
Ryder, Some things to consider ......You can absorb soundwaves - the density and composition of the materiel will determine what waves can be absorbed. It is easier to absorb high frequencies, which have short wave lengths, and its easier to diffu... 
What is the best place to buy tubes?
Ghosthouse, FWIW my experience with Tesla tubes, E34L, KT 88's and KT90's has been poor. I've had many failures due to quality control and stopped using them - Got tired of having to replace resistors in the amp when these tubes shorted out. I und...