
Responses from ncarv

CEC TL1 Repair and trouble shooting?
Contact Parasound at 866-770-8324. They repaired my TL-1X, which needed a new laser assembly.--Neil 
Static sound when turning volume knob
Thanks for the tip, Sean. I'll try it.--Neil 
Snell B-Minors: What works best?
It's not that the Levinsons didn't work well with the Snells, I just didn't get the tight bass that Bundy is asking about. This is interesting, as I would expect tighter bass with good solid state equipment, rather than tube.I will say that the 27... 
Eliminating static electricity from albums??
I got it direct from the Disc Doctor himself, and it seems to work for me (playing them). But, I live in South Florida, a very humid climate, so not a lot of static to begin with. I don't find the Zerostat, or my carbon fiber brush, does much for ... 
Static sound when turning volume knob
I had the same problem with my pre-amp volume knob, but it is not stepped and it is a sealed unit, so I could not clean it. I just "exercised" it by turning it back and forth and it alleviated the problem. But Sean is right -- if I could clean it,... 
Snell B-Minors: What works best?
I did experience the same issue with my B-Minors when I was driving them with Levinson amps (27 and 333). I also tried the Thiel 3.6's and the bass was much tighter, though at the expense of too much glare at the top end, at volume.You can check o... 
What is your favorite Greg Brown CD?
A big help we've been! If this thread keeps going, we'll have named all of his records! 
Eliminating static electricity from albums??
Play them. It discharges the static. 
What is your favorite Greg Brown CD?
Hard to say . . . I really like "Dream Cafe," especially the title track, but "The Poet Game" is also a good one, as are most of his. "The Poet Game" on vinyl sounds TERRIFIC! 
Tubed DAC problems,opinions please.
I'm using an Audio Logic with 6922's and have never had that problem. 
New Stereophile format
What's the point of the vertical line between the first and second column of copy? . . . makes me think it's a different article.Not much there in content, but certainly a buck's worth an issue . . . like who cares what stereo some celebrity has? ... 
What's the frequency Kenneth?
Thanks, TIC!I recall that, after years of Dan Rather being ridiculed, the story had been validated by the arrest of the perpetrator, but I never knew the whole story of this obviously psychotic individual, and I did not know he had murdered someon... 
Best used speaker for $2,000 for rock music
IF you can find a pair of Snell B-Minors, you will be VERY happy. Around $1700, used. They play loud, have lots of base, thanks to 12" side firing woofers, and are known as great rock'n'roll speakers. They play everything really well, but really s... 
LP storage boxes?
Was it empty boxes from a liquor store . . . perfect size . . . and the price is right! 
best non guitar rock solo
Off the top of my head, Bobby Keys on sax in "Can't You Hear Me Knocking," Ginger Baker on drums in "Toad," and Jim Gordon on piano in "Layla," for starters. I know there's plenty others.