
Responses from ncarv

What should I use between spikes and wood floor?
Polycrystal makes some inexpensive floor protectors that don't degrade the sound. You can probably get them from The Cable Company.Linn makes some they call "Skeets," and are supposedly very good. 
record storage?
Check these out:'m very happy with them, they're modular so you can add to them, and they have wheels. 
Best Digital Cable, Regardless of Price....
I've tried a few between my CEC TL-1X and Audio Logic 24MXL.I'm currently using a Purist Audio Digital Link AES/EBU, which I'm very pleased with. I also have the Purist Digital Coaxial with RCA's, but the AES/EBU with XLR connectors does sound bet... 
Walker Audio Extreme SST
If you do a google search on "conductive silver grease," you'll find many other products with seemingly similar claimed benefits at much lower prices. Arctic Silver is one I happened to see that guarantees real silver content. Many others do not h... 
Walker Audio Extreme SST
I'd be interested to hear (pun intended?) how it compares to this: $6.00 a tube.Arctic Silver has been proven to contain real silver. Many others do not. I do not have information about the contents of Walker SST. 
Does vinyl outsell the hi rez formats?
Yes, definitely. I forgot exactly where I've read it . . . either Stereophile or Absolute Sound. 
Best 6922 tubes for DAC
I have tried several in my MXL. The ones that are most pleasing to me are Siemens CCa. 
how do i know when my tubes are going bad?
When you don't shoot as often as you used to? 
Where are they now...?
Joe D'Appolito, developer of the M-T-M driver configuration that bears his name, is now chief engineer at Snell. 
My DVD player really heats up discs? ?
I have the same player and experience. For what it's worth, I shipped the player to Sony to address this issue and was told it was normal. I don't know if this is an honest assessment or a stonewall. 
The best band you've never heard of
Check out Ramsay Midwood. You can sample his stuff at:' swamp music from Austin.--Neil 
Record cleaning machine advise, want to buy,"HELP"
The VPI 16.5 is definitely the choice at that price, but if you can stretch a little (you said "around" $500), you can pick up a VPI 17 used for less than $700 (patience!). A big advantage over the 16.5.--Neil 
what's your favorite album cover?
Original "Velvet Underground" with peelable banana. 
Isolation for power line conditioner?
I have used Symposium Roller Blocks with Tungsten Balls under my Hydra and it does make an improvement. I have no idea why it does or why it should. I only know what I hear. 
I'm frustrated with people who don't ...
So . . . Mijknarf, are you ready to admit that LP's sound better than CD's? (LOL)--Neil