
Responses from ncarv

what' your favorite movie to show off your sys. w/
The Matrix, lobby scene and ending with the helicopter crash. 
New Stones album on vinyl 
What Was Thrown Off the Tallahatchie Bridge?
A fetus, I believe. 
Hum in system when only amp is on
Nsgarch, I don't think the directionality of the IC's would make a difference in Ian's problem, but my understanding is the arrows should go in the direction of the music -- thus, pre-amp to amp.I agree that floating the ground on the amps, but no... 
importance of phono cartridge
What kind of TT did Oscar Wilde have, Nsgarch? 
Damping Top of CDP
Try scuba weight-belt weights. The two types I prefer are the loose lead in sealed bags or the solid lead that have a rubber-like coating. They are cheap and effective and I can't see that there is much difference between them and the audiophile s... 
Have you ever moved to improve your system
I did, actually. I moved to this house because I wanted a better room for my stereo system. I really loved my last house, but I knew I could get better sound with a bigger room that wasn't long and relatively narrow. The room I now use doesn't see... 
Festival Express
I saw it in the movie theatre. Great stuff! Janis steals the show! Loved the scenes on the train with Janis, Jerry, The Band, noodling and playing. 
Stereo amplifier for a pair of passive subwoofers.
A used Bryston 3B ought to do the trick. 
You might be an audiophile if...
You might be an audiophile . . . if you can't open your front door all the way and have to walk around the speaker blocking it to enter the house. 
Where do you find new music? 
DAL SCIV - tweeters gone need help
I'm sorry -- the other seller is www.partsexpress.comand that's Parts Express, not Part Sex Press! 
DAL SCIV - tweeters gone need help
I recently replaced drivers in my SC-IVa's. They are Vifa's and are available at either purchased them from Madisound, which has a chart for the replacements. They are the exact drivers in y... 
Dire Straits and Eagles XRCD worth $37?
Get 'em on e-bay for $25. 
Why am I experiencing listener's fatigue?
Sorry to throw this in the mix . . . try vinyl.