
Responses from ncarv

Where Can I Buy Boxes to Ship LP's In? 
Monoblocks- different power cord length
I haven't had a problem. Some people believe there will be a difference in sound from the two and, I suppose, theoretically that would be possible, but, if there is, it is so infinitesimal that I haven't noticed any difference. 
Purist Audio & Stereophile
It's interesting, as well, that neither Stereophile nor Absolute Sound (as far as I can recall) ever mention Transparent Cables. 
Your favorite recent discovery
I know! It's whiskey drinkin' music! 
Your favorite recent discovery
Ramsay Midwood. "Shoot Out At The OK Chinese Restaurant" is one of the most original sets I've heard in a while. A mix of country, blues, rock, and I don't know what else. Some songs I could hear Mick & the Stones doing, others a bit like Tom ... 
Best and Worst Websites in Audio'dom
I don't bother with the bad ones, but one of the best is: 
Good Phono Pre-Amps...$500 to $1500
I used an Audio Research PH3 with my Linn/Dynavector 10x4 and it sounded excellent. I'm sure the PH3SE is even better. The PH3 usually sells for around $900-1000, and the PH3SE for $1400-1500. I'd go for the SE. 
Why was Audiogon started?
I don't mind commercial participation on audiogon, though perhaps it ought to be identified in a manner so that I can look at private ads, as opposed to dealers or manufacturers, separately.I do mind the arrogance of some dealers that Sherod speak... 
Well Tempered Labs out of business? 
Best speakers under $650
I don't know about "best," but I have heard the Epos M12's, and they are a terrific speaker. 
VTA: am I nutz?
Here's an interesting site on all this: out the link on "VTA" 
my $686 stereo system, laugh if you want...
If I'm laughing, it's in a good way. Cheers to you . . . great job!--Neil 
Sony DVP-S9000ES DVD Player skipping
Also, try unplugging and plugging it back in. 
So I heard some B&W Signature 805s today...
While I agree that listening in the dealer's room is not the best way to compare, it is usually the only way.I had a similar experience listening to the B&W's and Wilsons at the dealer. To my ears, there was no comparison. I wanted to keep lis... 
Favorite used Tube Preamps
VTL 2.5 - $750.