
Responses from mzkmxcv

2 way vs 3 way question
As for the original question, the imaging from drivers that are closer in size will be better, unless waveguides and phase-plugs are in use. Meaning, this is why most 3-way towers use a 2” to 5” midrange, I’ve seen some companies use a 7” midrange... 
2 way vs 3 way question
@seasdiamond  I don’t see how that distance claim can be made without knowing the distance between the drivers. From what I’ve seen in manufacture recomendations, you need to be 3x the distance between the woofers, so if a traditional 3-way has th... 
Q acoustics harsh high end
On-axis measurements of Q Acoustics 3020 (purple trace) While not your exact model, it is from the same range and should be similar. So, wether it be the 1kHz peak or emphasized treble >5kHz, it can sound bright. Have you tried with and with... 
Best Power Cord For Video Projector
@vze2r8xz  We are talking power cords for a projector, the image will not be brighter nor have more detail/resolution (I honestly don’t know if you were talking about video or audio). 
Shorter speaker runs or shorter IC Runs...Which is the better set up and why?
Longer speaker wire (unless talking >50ft) only effect wattage loss and lower damping factor, which can be negated by using a thicker gauge. Longer interconnects do have worse crosstalk and jitter (if talking digital), but a good DAC should ta... 
PS audio ultralink II dac distortion
@cincyjim Also, while you may or not be a spec man, for the cost for >$2000 I’m disappointed by its THD+Noise rating of <0.002%, whereas the $9 Apple USB-C dongle DAC is <0.0012%, the RME ADI-2 DAC is <0.0005%, and the Oppo 205’s DAC i... 
Help me - am I stupid
By analog you mean vinyl? If so, CD has far better dynamic range and accuracy, it only loses to vinyl in terms of ultra-sonics (but I guess you can then say vinyl loses to 16/96 to 24/96 in that same regard), which while you can’t hear may cause t... 
DAC Bandwidth settings
I assume use are using an ESS chip, it’s datasheet on pages 55-58 shows the graphs for the frequency and impulse differences for all 7 (doesn’t show phase though), page 53 shows the tech specs. Apodizing fast is the default for most DACs. Keep in... 
Is it true that a digital cable has to acclimate to your system?
Forgot to add that the Blue Jeans one using Belden has far lower capacitance and inductance (this is a good thing) than the Kimber one you got. 
Is it true that a digital cable has to acclimate to your system?
@lovepianos I find the claim of electrical build-up kinda silly, I don’t see how it could accumulate static during transport, as it’s not in contact with anything other than its packaging, and how it can take dozens of hours to dissipate. You hav... 
Help me - am I stupid
@lohanimal The auditory recall for humans is about 10sec, so hearing “benefits” over time does not exist, what people generally hear is simple the nuances in the music they missed before, which is why people suggest demoing with songs who know li... 
PS audio ultralink II dac distortion
@cincyjim   I would be weary of stuff made by Wyred 4 Sound, their Remedy reclocker for instance does absolutely nothing to the signal.  
Is it true that a digital cable has to acclimate to your system?
No. It’s the same with headphone burn-in myth, all that happens is your ears getting used to the sound. A digital cable is just bits, the only error being timing, which is jitter, which is a raised noise floor, nothing to do with tonality and so... 
$1000 should be spent for a NOS DAC or a turntable?
1) Some DACs that upsample take care of intersample overs and reduce jitter. A case could be made for NOS vs a poor upsampling implementation, but I fail to see any case for NOS vs oversampling. I don’t think NOS DACs adjust the noise floor when d... 
How to DIY yourself very nice Class D monoblocks
@stevecham   You may not be a measurement man, but the kit has been measured and it excellent for its price.