
Responses from mzkmxcv

KEF LS50 or Wharfedale Reva 2 -- which would you buy?
LS50 needs a subwoofer in my opinion. The Reva is really good, but not super dynamic. 
Thoughts about the Magico A3, Revel Salon2/ Studio2
Karl Rubinson of Stereophilerecently visited Harman and blindly listened to the Salon2 and the F228Be, he stated they were so similar in sound that he thought they switched which speaker was which. So, if their new $10,000 sounds almost identical ... 
2 way vs 3 way question
Instead of asking for the best from a theoretical point, simply ask what’s the best speaker you can afford.  If only looking at new:  KEF R3, KEF R300, Philharmonic BMR (unless you sit far away), NHT C3/C4, Revel M105/M106, and Selah Audio Onesto.... 
MQA is Legit!
@rbstehno If you don’t have good ears or a good quality system, then you probably won’t hear a difference. The most common and cop-out response in this area of discussion. So you are totally dismissing any fault on your end? If you hear a differe... 
Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ or Weiss DAC202 with RED BOOK PLAYER
@miko67 Yes, for 16Bit (MP3 & CD) the Weiss is better. If using digital connection between CD transport/player and DAC, what player you get is mostly irrelevant. Although it’s from 2012, this is what John Atkinson of Stereophile said: The W... 
MQA is Legit!
@dweller MQA is half lossy and half lossless, interior to the quality of CD in my opinion, it also can’t know what happened in the mastering of the track. A quote from someone more knowledgeable than me: An input signal is truncated to 17 bits ... 
MQA is Legit!
@waltertexas To my knowledge, MQA does not have a lower noise floor than 16Bit when talking <15kHz. So either your DAC performs better with MQA (highly likely) and/or it is using a different master.  
MQA is Legit!
@mofimadness Measurements do show us frequency response, and every DAC that supports MQA that I know of has degredated PCM performance, in terms of their slow-sloping filter that introduces aliasing. Get a Benchmark DAC3 or Chord Qutest and compa... 
Are high sample rates making your music sound worse?
@rexp CD already offers us better quality than we can hear in a room, so that argument doesn’t hold.  I also only skimmed the article, but I didn’t see any mention of ADC/DAC, it’s merely saying your hardware likely can’t handle the higher sampli... 
Shorter speaker runs or shorter IC Runs...Which is the better set up and why?
@gdnrbob No, what materials being used has no negation that the only difference is loss in wattage and worse damping factor. You could say a better speaker cable has better EMI rejection, but then you are assuming you live in an environment with ... 
MQA is Legit!
@mofimadness I find "almost" without fault that the MQA tracks sound better than their standard CD counterparts. Not all the time, but pretty much. Is MQA perfect, hells no, but I sure do hear an improvement. Every MQA-compatible DAC I have seen... 
DAC Bandwidth settings
@infection   I find it odd the tech specs for the 10th anniversary edition is exactly the same, granted the specs are not extensive. Would like to see these measures to see what  they improved to warrant ~2x the price. 
MQA is Legit!
@don_c55   MQA is half lossy, half high-res lossless, and since I believe 16/44.1 is all we need (before the DAC), I agree that CD is better than MQA, and nothing is stopping you getting a CD copy of an album that’s offered in MQA. 
Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ or Weiss DAC202 with RED BOOK PLAYER
If only using 16Bit, then the Weiss. 
Opinions on Dacs...