
Responses from mzkmxcv

Best multi-purpose subwoofer
Rythmik, HSU, SVS, JTR, PowerSoundAudio (co-founder of SVS). With my preference being the first two. I don’t think anybody makes better subs than these brands in regards to bang for buck (the >$10,000 JL Audio Gotham is hardly worth it other th... 
Bookshelf passive speaker that doesnt focus on bass
NHT C1, Chane A1.4, or Ascend Acoustics CBM-170. 
B&W 685's Vs KEF LS50
I would go KEF R300 
Are DAC's overpriced?
People will always prefer what is superior in sound and emotionOnly in a double-blind, level-matched, quick-switching scenario.    I can bet you I can put a $300 power amp in a nice case and say it costs $100,000 (such idiotic prices do exist) and... 
Are DAC's overpriced? Show me where they lack dynamics or resolution. You ob... 
Are DAC's overpriced?
@bo1972 Just utter baloney. USB has no faults besides not having 100% noise rejection and only working well to a few meters (where AES does a better job). In terms of just data transmission, it is 100% fine on its own. The benefit of 75ohm with B... 
Zu audio
I only recommend Zu if you need very high sensitivity and don’t want an industrial look (PowerSoundAudio, JTR, etc.), which is usually the case if using a tube amp. However, if you have >25W, I see no reason to look at Zu. 
Dac selections
Benchmark or Bryston is you simply want a clean conversion from digital to analog. 
Upgrade from Oppo Sonica DAC
@ranjithkp  The Benchmark DAC3 and the Chord Qutest then. You would have to spend a ton to even get a worthwhile measuremeable performance, let alone audible (and not talking perceived audible), even the Chord DAVE shouldn’t sound noticeably bette... 
Upgrade from Oppo Sonica DAC
What are you trying to get? A DAC that is as transparent as possible for the price, or one that adds distortion/coloration?  
McIntosh mda1000
The modern chips used are so much better. That model states THD <0.002% at 1kHz, the Chord Qutest is <0.0002% at 1kHz, that’s 20 decibels better (for a speaker amp that’s like going from 100W to 10,000W). The Chord Qutest or Benchmark DAC3 ... 
High resolution digital is dead. The best DAC's killed it.
@erik_squires   The Mytek DACs aren’t bad, they are better than average, it’s just the DAC3 and Qutest are a tad cleaner.  
High resolution digital is dead. The best DAC's killed it.
@bri14mac  I would only get the Mytek if you want MQA. I don’t see any technical benefit from it, so I don’t need such a feature. The iFi has a ton of THD & IMD. 
High resolution digital is dead. The best DAC's killed it.
@phantom_av  Even $400 and below are now transparent. Well, the caveat is transparent when masked with music, like THD at 10kHz needs to be like -40dB to be audible, but even -50dB would be audible when using a sine wave.  
How to download Topping DX3 Pro Drivers from Topping website
That’s a Dropbox issue, not an issue Topping has control over.