
Responses from mzkmxcv

High resolution digital is dead. The best DAC's killed it.
@nickecb The Benchmark DAC3 L and Chord Qutest are both more transparent. Now, you may not like hearing what your music sounds like, you may want distortion or coloration, in that case I would look at tube DACs or some poor measuring DACs from Au... 
How to download Topping DX3 Pro Drivers from Topping website
@baybars  Their site is now working normally.  
How to download Topping DX3 Pro Drivers from Topping website
On my iPhone, their website does not load with Safari, but does load with a 3rd party browser and I can access the V4.47 firmware no problem. So yeah, try a different browser. 
Bluesound Node 2i network server/DAC
I’m confused. Why would you think you have to run your CD player thru the Bluesound?   
DAC Confusion....
Again, it would seem PS Audio is an outlier. If you look at the frequency graphs for Stereophile DAC reviews, you can see that the output is the original input for most all DACs. Benchmark DAC3 measurements, you can see in “Fig.3” that the sample... 
DAC Confusion....
I am fine with an upsampling DAC but want it to be an option as I prefer 44.1 at this time.You talking internal upsampling, or an upsampled output? Most DACs internally upsample but output the original sampling rate. The Benchmark DAC3 for instan... 
805n B&W speakers. What to pair them best with?
I would say that feeding it a full-range signal is contributing to it sounding muddy; if you can, try add a crossover at maybe 40Hz (regular or digital, or even EQ down the bass via your computer), and that may help tighten it up.  For a desk, mak... 
805n B&W speakers. What to pair them best with?
What amp do you currently have and how far away do you sit? What exactly do you feel is lacking? Because not enough “shine” doesn’t help. The 805’s obviously have far less bass and need 2x the wattage to get just as loud (88dB vs 91dB sensitivity). 
If you want to get the best of your transport, try this.
@jtcf But it is definitely not able to track accurately and there will be missing information.It’s been demonstrated,measured, and proven time and again. I would love a link.  Then what do you say to the people that rip their CD’s (most using t... 
Dac Question.
Higher sampling rate does nothing to the lower frequencies the lower sampling rate already covers (disregarding the reconstruction filter). However, the DAC you used may perform better with such sampling rates, but it’s not a truthful blanket stat... 
Dac Question.
Sad to see that (most aren’t like that). As maybe your power amp or your speakers don’t do too well at such high frequencies (breakout modes, IMD, etc.). So yeah, if it’s between 96 and 192, choose 96. 
Dac Question.
Outgoing is the same as incoming. 
Dac Question.
Most DACs internally upsample (and for good reason), but the output is the original rate. 96kHz is better than 192Kbps, most DACs aren’t their best at that high of a sampling, the Benchmark DACs even downsample 192Kbps to maintain peak performance... 
Need DAC/Streaming Advice
@lalitk Please explain how it’s entry level in regards to performance. OP has an iPad, so no even need to use the app if you don’t wish to, use AirPlay. 
Need DAC/Streaming Advice
@jackd   It’s digital, it doesn’t matter, especially with the jitter reduction the Bryston DAC can do.