
Responses from mzkmxcv

Are high sample rates making your music sound worse?
@lalitk Measurements are far more accurate and far more reliable than our ears. Stating your ears are better and thus that’s why you hear a difference is such a typical response. I’d like one explanation for why 192kHz is better than 44.1kHz, le... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
@geoffkait   Bias is always present for everyone regarding evaluating speakers/DACs/etc., it’s just unavoidable. People claim benefits in going 24/192 over 16/44.1, and the only reason is because you think it’s better, the simple factual truth is ... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
@gpgr4blu Are you claiming you are impervious to placebo? If so, you probably are the only such person alive. Measurements go out the window once you know what product you are listening to (wether it be the brand, looks, price, or all three). I... 
Are high sample rates making your music sound worse?
@goofyfoot It’s no different for vinyl unless you want the possible distortion that may arise from driving your tweeters higher than they can handle, same distortion as would be for playing the actual vinyl. Not saying all/most vinyl does this, b... 
Are high sample rates making your music sound worse?
Since no one >10 can hear over 20kHz, there is no point to listening to something like 192kHz in the first place, if your amp can even properly playback such high frequencies, all you are doing is increasing the chances of driving your tweeter ... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
@thyname  Got a link to that.  Stereophile recorded one sighted listening test at an audio show comparing speaker cables, and the group that preceded expensove cables actually chose the generic cables. The test itself was highly flawed though: sig... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
@elizabeth   Hearing a difference is not the same as there being a difference.  
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
@mkgus Gauge only effects wattage loss per distance/impedance and damping factor, being better for different frequencies isn’t true, and doesn’t even make sense. Better shielding to EMI, nothing about affect... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
@jea48 Both videos state it’s the harmonics, so not sure your point. As for microphones, are you stating you are choosing your gear to make up the deficiencies in the recorded track? If so, that’s the first I’ve heard of that rebuttal for not ge... 
Does anyone have a good recommendation for the best quality home theater platform?
@erik_squires   Funny, most reviews I’ve heard has said Onkyo’s amps are better than Yamaha’s; but Onkyo’s room correction is poor and their HDMI board have a history of failure.  For something the average consumer can afford, Denon and Marantz ar... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
@jea48 Any decent amp/DAC/pre will not allow any distortion from your other appliances to affect your gear, unless talking ground loops. Stereophile (among other resources of course) has measured hundreds/thousands of pieces of equipment other t... 
Yamaha SACD players
If using digital out and your DAC has decent jitter reduction, all transports will be identical. Of course, that doesn’t mean buy the cheapest one possible, as the better build quality of say the CD-S1000 will lead to less issues and a longer life... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
Thanks for the response. Timbre Timbre is harmonics (overtones), this is easily seen by inputting a signal and seeing what the FFT/distortion graph looks like. I personally believe that no gear should have timbre, it should only be transparen... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
@gpgr4blu   I wont argue about what someone else hears or doesn’t hear, but:  limited universe of existing measurements that don’t come close to measuring all aspects of human hearing I find this interesting. What do you think measurements can’t c... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
@dentdog   For interconnects, balanced does result in a few dB lower noise floor/distortion, anywhere from 1dB to 10dB usually (depends on the gear used).