
Responses from musicslug

Digitize LPs with zero loss?
you might want to look into the Alesis masterlink - Michel Fremer (Stereophile vinyl guy) uses it to make CDs of different cartridge/arm combinations. If it's good enough to really catch that level of subtlety.... It can even make CDRs (playable o... 
Active speaker, the future? or another fad?
mackie makes lots of powered speakers and their technology keeps getting better. I use their SA1521 (one 15" and a horn) for amplification (live music) and it's scarily good for the $ (about $850 apiece). The imaging could be better, not surprisin... 
What are the Best FM tuners?
you might want to narrow your question... some tuners sound better (the more sought-after vintage tube models like the marantz 10B, mcintosh mr-71, scott 350B/C. some are better at pulling in distant stations (pioneer F93 - but it doesn't sound th... 
Reconciling analog and digital playback
Unfortunately, you may just have to reconcile yourself to the fact that digital hasn't equalled analog yet. In the meantime, get what you can on vinyl and, when you have to, go digital. If you have $ to burn, you can spend 1000's on digital gear (... 
How long for tube break in
I've been told it's more like 100 hours...Have you biased the new tubes? Under-biasing can make them sound weak and non-dynamic. 
Do all Cary amps have a 'Cary' sound ?
they make everything from flea-sized single ended to megawatt push-pull, so you should narrow your focus a little... Most if not all of the higher-powered amps can be converted to triode (at the cost of about half of the power...) so there's anoth... 
cleaning vinyl. which cleaning fluid to use.
I used to use homebrew but my audio dealer talked me into switching to the Nitty Gritty and he was right - it's actually much better.(the homebrew used alcohol, distilled water, a tiny bit of aromatic solvent and a surface tension releaser) 
CD Burning: What Route Should I Go?
cascade media (in oregon, on the net) sells the mitsuis for cheap... 
Linn LP 12 vs Well Tempered TT
make sure you get the lingo power supply upgrade if you go with Linn - it adds what seems like an entire octave to the bass - it's a no-brainer! 
Stereo system Too Bright
I also had a CD63se - it's way bright and thin. If you can find a used but decent DAC, that will help a lot, but you'll also want to get a 'reclocking' device between the CDP and the DAC. You could probably pick both up for not too much $, but at ... 
Most forgiving speakers?
get an affordable tube amp - maybe a refurbished vintage scott or fisher - nothing sounds really awful through tubes! 
Audio Physic Virgo or Sonus Faber Cremona
I thought that the SF line did not excel at harder music such as rock or electronic - their strength was with vocals, smaller groups, more 'polite' music. The APs seem more neutral, therefore more versatile in terms of musical styles... 
Tube Shelf Life
I've been told that tubes don't deteriorate (if unused) over time.... 
audio phyics vigro help....
an AP dealer told me that if you need to place them along a short wall in a rectangular room, you'll get better imaging if you reverse the L and R speakers... 
what cover versions are better than the original
william shatner's Mr. Tambourine Man (not)