
Responses from musicslug

Playing CDRs on a Sony SCD-777ES
I have had no problem with any brand of CDR on my 777 - except when it needed its cleaning/alignment (once in 4 years of owning it). 
Was your first cartridge relatively expensive?
one thing nobody's mentioned yet: in terms of sound the table is most important, followed by the arm, followed by the cartridge;so you should spend as much of your budget as possible on the first two - you'll have to replace cartridges regularly a... 
Tonearms for new Linn LP 12
if you want to stay with Linn, you can pick up used LVII's for well under your budget. otherwise you need to go all the way up to the Ekos ($2500!). I would also seriously try to get your hands on a Lingo power supply: HUGE improvement... 
Tremendous RF problem -- phono stage is a radio
RFI can come through your windows and changing cables (or wrapping them) or tubes may do nothing. You might just try turning the amp 90 degrees to see if it changes anything (but it's unlikely)I used to live in a location with bad RFI - different ... 
SACD is it worth it?
there are at least a few companies who initially shied away from making their CDPs SACD-compatible but have now done so (CARY, for example). this would seem to suggest that SACD's oft-predicted demise may still be a few years off. it might not cos... 
Just moved - sound destroyed
you might try bringing the speakers further from the wall to reduce the mudthe open wall on the left will seriously mess with the balance between the two sidesgood luck! 
Tube Characteristics
Genelec KT-88s are the best but $$$$$!Don't neglect to find better input tubes (e.g.6sn7s or whatever your amps use) - the new production ones are considered inferior to the old by a lot of tube rollers.... 
20 Best Naxos Releases
Robert Craft conducting Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" (on Naxos) is outstanding! 
Why do new cables needs to be "broken" ???
it seems like the answer to your question is: nobody really knows, but the phenomenon seems to be real. a simple way to see for yourself is to get your hands on a set of cables that have been used for a while and some brand new ones of the same mo... 
Help troubleshooting amp
sometimes, if the break in the fuse is tiny, you need a magnifying glass to see it. assuming you have spare fuses on hand, simply changing them will be a diagnostic if you're stumped. as I said, my monoblocks have two fuses per side, and one of th... 
Help troubleshooting amp
you haven't told us what type of amps you have but...on my Cary SLAM-100's there are TWO fuses per monoblock - one's just for the tubes and I forget what the other's for - and I have had situations where one of them blew and there was no sound but... 
Region Free DVD Players.
I bought a Malata 520 (it was their top model) on the net for $240. The local video store, "Scarcrow", which has a huge foreign movie selection (and was called the world's best video store by Bernardo Bertolucci) recommends this brand and rents th... 
Linn LP 12 Problem.......
don't panic. LP12s are pretty simple things. it sounds like the power switch is either broken or the connection to it needs to be resoldered. either one should be a cheap fix. 
Where can I find a value of old amps
you might do a "closed items" search on ebay to see what people are actually paying - after all it's really worth what you can get for it... 
Vintage vs. New Tube Amps
you didn't mention your budget. the dynaco ST-70 is good - in the mids especially - and is easily worked on if necessary. you can find them just about any day of the week, frequently for cheap. you can then get a more modern tube pre (like an earl...