
Responses from mrskeptic

How good does my system have to be to realize an improvement with cables?
As someone said, if the synergy isn't there, you're wasting your time and money. Additionally, you need to hire a Chinese professional to ensure the Feng Shui is proper and your chakras must be aligned or it's all for naught.   Actually, expensi... 
Isn’t the forum to post reviews of gear you have experience with?
Unless something is verified by blind testing, it's all opinion and subjective. That's why it's generally pointless to ask for recommendations.  
Silver Speaker Cables
Buy some silver wire from the various sellers on fleabay and make your own and save a lot of money then you won't fee so bad when you don't hear a difference (unless you convince yourself otherwise).  
Its not vinyl
Another 100% subjective opinion. So many people have fallen for the "sterile" digital sound thanks to people like Fremer. Most of them have also fallen for the "warmer" sound of tubes (that almost certainly got it's start because tubes are... wait... 
Why not?
What's this "consensus" I keep reading about? Maybe here, but there are many, many other people who know that power cables produce no difference in the sound of your audio system.   
Does a turntable make a DRAMATIC difference?
The turntable itself won't make a much difference at all but a different cartridge will mostly likely do so. The turntable's job is to spin a record at a certain speed and all good ones will do that but there are many variations with cartridges.  
Most Extensive State-of-the-Art DAC Survey Ever!
@curiousjim    Isn't it interesting how being rich often also makes you better looking?   
Shakti Stone
"questionable claim" is too kind.  
Upsizing Capacitors
People spend months or years designing amps and other people who think they know better want to "improve" on the design. Where's the facepalm emoji? Sheesh.  
What do the arrows mean on my cable?
The arrows are 100% marketing for the silly people.  
Opinions before purchasing
The size of the room has no bearing on whether a speaker can reach a certain Hz. A speaker, of any variety, puts out certain frequencies regardless of whether they're in a bathroom or a 6 car garage. In a room that size, one sub will be fine and i... 
Two amps into one pair of speakers
More power = better sound, right? (some people believe that)  
Rant against the industry with hopes for discussion on positive change
Yet companies like Schiit and Emotiva are flourishing. Hmmm  
Amp Internal Wire
@theaudiomaniac    Nailed it! Just when you think people can't get sillier. Why not go full re-mod and replace anything you can? Volume pots? transistors? resisters? diodes? etc  😐  
Questionable Tweak
There's very little science to back up anything in the audiophile world. Everybody's favorite album guy, Fremer, once called objectivists, "science based no-nothings." That should tell you all you need to know.