
Responses from mrskeptic

Has anyone heard the newest version of the Klispschhorm?
I think one time someone described a horn speaker as "honking" or "glarey and too bright" and that took off regardless of how they actually sound. Similar to how people describe the tube sound as "warm". Probably has nothing to do with tubes getti... 
Attractive Bookshelf - Under $3k
@akg_ca    Those may sound glorious, but they're nowhere near $3k, or did you miss that part of the title?  
First impressions of the Isoacoustic Gaia 1’s
@curiousjim    I need the 1/4-20, long studs and my local dealer didn't have them, I contacted the company who didn't have any and had no time frame for when they would. Over the course of the year, I've kept in contact with them so as to not fa... 
First impressions of the Isoacoustic Gaia 1’s
I don't usually go for these kinds of things, but after hearing an improvement on a Youtube video, I'm a believer. Now if I could just get the longer studs I need to fit my GoldenEar Triton 2+, I can actually use them. It's literally been more tha... 
Thinking Hybrid Integrated.
I believe Peachtree Audio still makes some hybrid integrateds. They're good too.  
Ps audio aspen FR 30 Loudspeakers
"proprietary drivers or Xover parts" just means they (PS Audio) made them. Not that big of a deal.  
OCD audio guy naming shady Audiogon dealers by name
@immatthewj    Unless wiring has directional arrows to show the electrons which way to go and has been frozen with liquid nitrogen, it will never sound as good (nor be as expensive) as it could. 😉  
How do you arrange the order of your records?
Alphabetically by first name of a band but by last name if it's a person's name.  eg, The Black Crowes is before Jackson Browne. ("the" doesn't come into play with my system)  
Why should audiophile deniers be allowed on an audiophile forum?
The 0-60 of a Mustang can be objectively tested. Almost all things claimed to improve a stereo's sound are done via "because I hear a difference and I know what I hear." Until audiophiles allow or at least accept blind testing, they'll likely nev... 
Fuse Direction for Pass Labs Amp and Preamp
I'd say have your significant other (if you have one) or friend install the fuse(s) so that you can't see them, play your favorite tune, then have the same person (for continuity) reverse it, again without you seeing it, play the same tune and rea... 
Installing dedicated 10 gauge lines
Seems like a lot of work and expense for what may or may not provide any change. How would one go about blind testing such a setup (which is the only reliable way to check such things)?  
Upgrade path question with $2k to spend
Since this on Audiogon, it should go without saying that you can get more for your money buying used, even at these semi-inflated prices. Lots of options.  
Upgrade path question with $2k to spend
Having everything separate means having lots more connection points and the various wiring to connect all of it together so a good integrated would be the way to go. The old, worn out thought process said monoblocks, and all the associated stuff t... 
Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle
If you have some fancy (read: expensive) power conditioner, spending even more money on outlets is pretty silly. If you don't or have an inexpensive power conditioner, it's still silly to think an outlet will change the sound of your system.  
Your thoughts on my quest for new speakers
Of the ones you heard, I'd go with the Magnepan 3.7 but as a couple of other people have posted, the GoldenEar speaker line is damn good. I have the Triton 2+ and these will be the last speakers I ever buy.