
Responses from mrskeptic's another tweak that really works
$40 for literally noise?! Do the people who develop crap like this really think it works or know it doesn't but with good marketing, they can sell it to audiophools?     
Basic question about power/watts
People are very silly and wrong when it comes to amps and speaker efficiency. You yourself said that it's "unbearable" with the knob at 11 o'clock and a 600 watt amp will just be unbearable (but sound the same) at 7 o'clock.  
Magico M9 a ton of weight and a million dollar price tag $750,000
Wretched excess.  
What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?
The beliefs around speaker efficiency is sometimes silly. All those numbers mean is how loud a speaker is when driven with 1 watt of power. A 3 watt "flea" power amp putting out 2 watts with any speaker, will produce the same level as a 400 wpc mo... 
Are Expensive Balanced Interconnects Necessary?
"Clearly"? Not so much (or in reality, not at all).  
Owning Up To It
RUSH releasing both "Dog Years" and "Virtuality" on the same album.  
Sideways move?
If 1 watt can produce 93dB in those speakers, 24 more would drive them to uncomfortable levels. More power isn't your issue.  
When a budget speaker is preferred to a high end one...
It's part of what afflicts too many humans. More cost equals better whatever but it's often not the case. From just about any objective measure a Camry is better car than a Ferrari 296GTB, but try convincing most people of that.  
Go get out your pitchforks, I’ve done a sacrilegious thing. . .
The high and mighty types looking down their noses at those using EQ are pathetic. Do what makes your system sound how you want it to sound and what fits in your budget. Ignore the snobs, they're part of what's wrong with this hobby.  
Cables recommendation
Doesn't matter.  
Dac or Power regen, which gets the better cable?
Neither as power cables make no difference in the sound that comes out of hour speakers.  
What is the best 2 channel listening chair?
First of all, it's Eames, not Ames. Thirdly, if you haven't had your chair treated cryogenically, you're not going to get the best sound while sitting in it.   
cheapest cable upgrade ever
It's hard to tell if these kinds of threads are for the humour or are they trolling? There's no way this is serious.   
Check this out, if you already haven't.
I wonder of the 150 grand includes shipping? 📬  
Class D Integrated Amplifier Recommendations.
I have a Primare i32 with the added streamer and I think it's great. The newer model is the i35 but they have two models below that that easily fit in your price range.