
Responses from mrskeptic

Do you consider cables to be a "component" of your system?
Absolutely not. Silly.   
What are we objectivists missing?
On two different occasions, I've read articles by a very famous audiophile who claims LPs sound better than cds, who said something along the lines of, "I really liked how this xxx sounded but I haven't seen the measurements yet so I could have eg... 
Hi-Fi Tuning Fuse Holder
Monstrous power cables
They don't change the sound and they are huge because a lot of humans equate size/weight with quality. In the watch world, I've read where people say they don't like watch xxx because it's titanium and doesn't feel like quality. "It doesn't have h... 
Mad Scientist Graphene Contact Enhancer
Just wait until you open all your components and speakers and apply it to everything in there.   Then, just when you think you've reached audiophool audiophile nirvana, you can do every wire in your house and have the blackest blacks ever blacke... 
Integrated Amp Suggestions
@travisg    100 wpc is plenty of power for any future upgrades. Typically you use about 10wpc   It's amazing how many people don't understand that. With high efficiency speakers, those "flea watt" amps get plenty loud on 5 wpc or even less.  
Power Cord for DAC
Imagine how much music you could buy with $996 by spending $4 on a power cord that will sound the same as one costing $1000. This is all you need, objectively speaking. 
How does cable construction affect sonic character?
As someone said, it's a religion. It can't be proven but believers have faith.   
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
Music, like almost all of this hobby, is very subjective. I can't stand bands like Gojira due to the "singing" style but some people love it. I also don't care for Wilco, but a lot of people do as well as the critics.  If music was like the subje... 
Nordost Valhalla 2 Speaker Cables
Does anyone, anywhere find it interesting that in almost all cases, the most expensive items supposedly sound or taste or work the best?    Silly humans.      
Need Recommendations for a pair of Speakers around $1,000
Heresy's are great speakers and have been updated through the years. Just because they have the same basic design doesn't mean that aren't and weren't great speakers when they debuted.   
Why is used audio equipment so undesirable?
First of all, new equipment is generally marked up about 90% so if you get 40% of what you paid for it, that's about all you can expect.    Second of all as others have said, used equipment is the best value for your dollar. I have a Kenwood rec... 
Why Do You Post?
I like reading what people have for components and speakers. I also like to read about some of the silly things people believe about tweaks and whatever else companies sell to the gullible. It some respects, it's like a religion. There's no proof ... 
Higher amperage fuse for sound quality
You've never heard that before because it's patently ridiculous. As others have said, it's not good to put in a higher amp fuse than what the manufacturer specifies. Would you put in a higher amp circuit breaker for your oven so it could reach a h... 
Competitive class D amp suggestions
Primare makes good stuff, imo. I have the I32 driving GoldenEar Triton 2+ speakers and really like that combo. You can add on a module to enable streaming too.