
Responses from mrskeptic

Is soundstage DEPTH a myth?
Is soundstage DEPTH a myth? Yes.  
Absorption, Diffusion or a combination of it all?
IDK who Paul McGowan is, but does he have any science to back up his claims about sounds arriving "too quickly" for your brain to sort them out?   Also, do you have any evidence that can be replicated that softer wood absorbs more sound than hard... 
Spending a month's salary
Speakers will make the biggest change in the sound of your system short of room treatments, but those aren't as exciting as a new pair of speakers.  
Rhodium plated audio grade wall socket
To answer your question, yes, big time.  
Casual listening
I listen to music for enjoyment and "critical listening" would seem to defeat that purpose. Listening to hear how certain instruments sound or if singer is off key would be defeating the purpose of listening.  I know a guy who plays the guitar an... 
Power cords known to produce good bass
The only power cord that increases bass is the one connected to a subwoofer.   
We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often
What does it matter how efficient a speaker is as long as it sounds good?     
Choosing new cables
You could buy so much music and get some decent cables (that don't make any difference anyway) for a lot less  money. But hey, you do you, as they say.  
Women Who Rock
Nandi Bushell is only 12 and she rocks harder than a lot of adult men. Look her up.  
Streamers made in America?
For you people who "think" items made in China aren't up to snuff or use inferior parts or just maybe cut corners, think about how high end companies would fare if something they sold turned out to be unreliable or sounded like crap. Your supposit... 
More Bass
I'd suspect inferior fuses in the amps and if you've already changed those, you should *invest* in some Marigo Tuning Dots and a Shakti Stone.   
What is your experience with amp power?
More power doesn't now, nor will it ever, equal better sound. If that were the case, a 2A3 Sun amp would sound terrible since it puts out a whopping 3.5 wpc. This should be common sense but based on most of the tripe posted here, common sense in t... 
Power cord - 5 ft vs 10 ft ?
It's not the length so much as the girth that's important.  
Upgrade Cables or Just Upgrade Equipment & Live in Shame?
Changing cables won't change the sound. Don't believe the marketing.  
Synergistic Research Master Fuse £565
Many years ago Stereophile reviewed an amp that had the option of wood knobs which the manufacture claimed provided better sound. A knob. This is along the same lines of silliness.