
Responses from mrdecibel

Carver, THE standard of excellence IMO
drkingfish, it was the " date " itself, that made me even notice it, as " that date " hits a nerve with me, as I am sure, you know why. All good. Great post ! Enjoy ! MrD.  
Carver, THE standard of excellence IMO
To the OP...yesterday was 8 / 11, as an fyi, and I enjoyed your posts..... As far as Phase Linear, Carver and Sunfire. I sold the original PL 400s and 700s, and owned them as well. Many of my clients were DJs, and never did I experience a reported... 
Help on ancient Audionics CC-2s
I owned CC2s. Someone above mentioned darkness to the sound, which describes many amplifiers from the past. When I purchased, originally for kicks, the Nuforce STA 200 in early 2017, I began selling many amplifiers from my collection. I am in no w... 
Again the topic of weight of amps
An amp chassis that has proper mass and weight, ime, has better resolve of details, based on minimizing acoustic and mechanical resonance and vibration. A perfect example is the application of Dynamat extreme to the top lid, sides and bottom of th... 
WAF Speaker suggestions
On 9/25/18, you posted a similar thread, asking for recommendations on replacing your Vandys, as they did not have the sound you wanted at low listening levels, and, the wife did not like the looks of the socks on the Vandys. Have you looked at yo... 
Klipsch, high end?
" High end " audiophile equipment can be reasonably priced gear, or, can fringe on being ridiculously out of bounds, financially, to most. If I recall, Harry Pearson was the 1st to use, and refer, the term, high end. Back in the day, a Nad 3020 am... 
Selling my dads top of the line system
To the OP. Sorry for your loss, and my condolences to you and your family.  
Horn Speaker Recommendations
@georgesallit325...nice review, as you posted it earlier on this page. @johnk. We obviously listen differently, and want, and enjoy, different things. This was apparent when we had a debate between Lascalas and Altec 19s. I have owned a pair or tw... 
Horn Speaker Recommendations
mahlman, I know you, from the " bay ", as I recognize those huge full range horn speakers in ur warehouse. Place them in a 15 by 20 room, a standard sized listening room for many, and yes, they would be overwhelming, both visually, and acousticall... 
Horn Speaker Recommendations
I understand, and completely validate, how wonderful the Jubilee is. However, as I pointed out, they fall into a category of similarity to the monstrous horn speakers johnk was talking about. The projection, presentation, and pressurization ( the ... 
Horn Speaker Recommendations
RIAA, this quote I repeated, by the reviewer, Ken, was made prior, to his review of the Fortes IIIs. He happens to like horns, and have reviewed many. Your reviewer did not mention listening to great Jazz players, such as by Thelonious Monk, Miles... 
Horn Speaker Recommendations
@jsautter I heard your speakers several years ago at a show. Very nice. Incredible build quality, and the first horn loaded ribbon ( tweeter ) I have ever seen, or heard. I very much understand why you have them, but, still not my cup of tea, nor ... 
Help with selling GAS preamps
jjaffe, where are you located ?  
Horn Speaker Recommendations
With all the blah blah blah presented by jsautter, in his 200 posts, he does not mention what speakers he owns. I am sure they are wonderful, but, probably a speaker not for everyone. Let’s have it, jsautter ? Let us know what your " benchmark " i... 
Horn Speaker Recommendations
@willgolf, with regards to the design of your new home, will this music room be a " dedicated " listening room ? A few examples are : dedicated and upgraded electrical, greater wall reinforcement, room acoustic panels, etc. As in real estate : loc...