
Responses from mr_m

amp for vandersteens
All the choices would suggest that Vandy speakers are compatible with many different amps. 
Bose 901
Although I never cared for their sound, I couldn't get over how many people would turn them around and face the multi driver side towards the listening position. Totally defeated the direct/reflect sound concept. 
amp for vandersteens
Belles Aria integrated amp with Audioquest cables. Also Naim Uniti Atom. A bit more expensive but great choice non the less. 
Somebody knows these speakers brand and model?
As far as looks go, love it, or hate it, the B&W DM-6 was a highly rated speaker system back in it's day. 
What are the must-see shops in SoCal?
Stereo Unlimited, San Diego. 
Cartridge Upgrade - Nagaoka or Goldring
I have owned the Stanton 881S for a long time. In my system, the Nagaoka is the superior cartridge. in fact any of the Nagaoka's will out perform the Stanton. you don't listen to specs, you listen to the cartridge. IMHO. 
All the brands I don't like...
+1, slaw. 
Cartridge Upgrade - Nagaoka or Goldring
Nagaoka MP-150 or MP-200. no need to look back... 
Anyone have this kind of problem with their amp?
EBM. Sure. That's exactly what he should do. Maybe you could buy him a new one, the rich audiophile that you are..... 
Anyone have this kind of problem with their amp?
You have to be careful twisting/turning interconnects while amp is powered up. you can damage components and especially speakers with loud signal serges which can be devastating. 
To integrate or not...
Naim Uniti series integrated amps are very nice. 
What Possessed Me to Do This?
I pondered the same question when I moved away. Taking extremely heavy equipment by truck over 2000 miles wasn't a pleasant adventure. 
Balance knob ..
Just use that balance control. it will correct your problem. That is what it was made for. Personally, I would be reluctant to buy a amp without a balance control. Especially true for tube amps. If you get paranoid enough about this issue, you can... 
Sent Back the Pro-ject Turntable: What would be the best option in the $1800 range?
The Well Tempered Labs Simplex is a fine table. 
Cartridge (other than Rega) with Rega RP10
The Lyra Delos is a wonderful sounding cartridge. Dynamic and natural sounding.