
Responses from mr_m

Rega planar 3 or Project X2? Which is the better turntable?
OPWould you like to put the Rega or Project up against the Well-Tempered? I have had Rega and Project. Neither sonically close to the Well-Tempered. I don't think I have to tell you which is better,,,,,do I???? 
Rega planar 3 or Project X2? Which is the better turntable?
+1, schubert 
Rega planar 3 or Project X2? Which is the better turntable?
noromanceThanks, but I will keep my Well-Tempered Labs TT. 
Rega planar 3 or Project X2? Which is the better turntable?
Not everyone is a Technics fan. Myself included for my own reasons. Read the OP's thread. He didn't mention Technics, you guys did.... 
Best CD player under $2000
Cambridge 851C. 
Altec A7 yay or nay?
If they still exist, try contacting Great Plains Audio. They have all things vintage Altec. 
Rega p25 vs newer rp3
I had a tricked out P-25 for some years. Bought a RP-6, which is pretty much a RP-3 with a speed control box. The newer RP-6 was superior to the P-25. So much so that I wondered why I modded the P-25 in the first place. IMO. 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
Fuzzy distortion on vinyl........Stylus issue?
Assuming alignment is correct, and you cleaned the stylus, you should also be careful playing your vinyl with that cart just in case it is extremely worn or chipped. Try to verify for damage with magnification. Sounds like a new cartridge might be... 
Brand new Vandersteen Model 2's
I live about 360 miles from Jim's Carlsbad, CA. Condo and have listened to his Treo CT. system. Fabulous!I did a partial cross country trip from Wisconsin to my new home in Arizona. All in a 28 foot Penske Van fully loaded with everything I own. D... 
Phono Cartridge for $1,000.
I stand corrected on air core coil.Thank you Chakster! 
Brand new Vandersteen Model 2's
Agree, Jim. The dealer in question liked the 3A's because he loved the bass extension, dynamics, and spl's. Although having two Vandy 2Wq subs with my Treo Ct's, I feel I can get all of the above and more over the 3A's. He also ran ARC amps on his... 
Good Stereo Speakers for outside use during BBQs, evening pot luck dinners etc
Another vote for Altec Voice of the Theatre. ROCK ON!!!!! 
Rogue Sphinx or Belles Aria???
Just a thought..... Buy the Rogue, and get the Vandersteen speakers with the money you saved on the amp. You will have a bigger difference between the speakers than between the amps. IMO. 
Phono Cartridge for $1,000.
I think it means coil wire with a hollow core. I think,,,,