
Responses from mr_m

New Cartridge
Another vote for Nagaoka.MP-200. $400. 
Upgrade phono stage?
Nagaoka. Pick one. Any one. 
You just won a $5,000 audio gear only gift card
Well used pair of original Bose 901's :-) 
Disappointing On
I am not a hater of McIntosh. A C-45 pre, and a MC-402 power was my reference for 12 years. I just happened to find a Integrated amp for one third the price of the Mac gear that, in my system sounded better. I would say it's all about component ma... 
Do I need a sub?
Short answer. Any system will benefit with use of sub(s). Biggest gains will come from using high pass filtering on main amp. Let sub amp do all the heavy lifting. This will benefit SQ all the way around, not just adding hertz on the bottom end. 
Smooth sounding integrated
Another vote for Rogue Sphinx. I would say it stands pretty tall in this group of amps. IMO. 
Vandersteen 5a, 15 years old vs. new Vandersteen Quatro Wood (upgrade or downgrade)
So does a bottle of 
I need a loudness switch
My god man, get a Schiit Loki!!! 
So what's the better deal (honestly)?
You can get a very nice pair of loudspeakers or component for $7600..... 
You are invited on a "trip down memory lane".
@whatjd  At 65 years old, I think I just went thru my second childhood. Just purchased a used mint condition  2018 Kawasaki Z900 Retro Sport motorcycle. I think my stereo is a much safer hobby.:-) 
Vandersteen 5a, 15 years old vs. new Vandersteen Quatro Wood (upgrade or downgrade)
+1, @tomic601 
If Caveman Had Stereo
+1000, @djones51 
You are invited on a "trip down memory lane".
My parents had bought an old Montgomery Wards Airline portable record player. You know the kind with the swing open attached speakers. They would obtain albums, throw away the cardboard covers, handle the records like they were shuffling cards, an... 
Vandersteen 5a, 15 years old vs. new Vandersteen Quatro Wood (upgrade or downgrade)
The 5A and/or the quatro, can be placed closer to the front wall. As close as 1 foot. With the Vandy Eq's in both types of loudspeaker, you have plenty of room for adjustment. Probably not optimum in every scenario, but It works for me as I have t... 
Why is loudness compensation missing from "mid-fi"?
The loudness contour as they use to call it was used to correct the low sensitivity of the ear when listening at low levels. Some had compensation for low and high frequencies, others just low frequencies. This switch irritated many salesmen back ...