
Responses from mr_m

New member - Dahlquist DQ10 questions
Back in the early to mid 80's The DQ-10 was my reference speaker. As tomic601 states the drivers are of Phillips design, the woofer was made by Advent. I replaced the Piezoelectric super tweet with  a modified  Panasonic ribbon with level control.... 
Swirls and Scratches on Glossy Back Wood Surface
All too common a problem with glossy black finish. Some of the so called swirl removers do nothing more than hide the scratches. A friend told me once, if you like shiny black cars, take a good look at it when new, cuzz it will only get worse look... 
Breakdown of Turntable Performance
For what it's worth, I recently had a $385 cartridge sound much better than a $1200  one that I have. With the turntables I have had, the arm and platter bearing made the biggest differences. YMMV. 
Were you naughty or nice? What did Santa bring you! Audio related only please!
I got a brand new cartridge for my turntable. Funny. Santa looked a lot like me...Yeah. I know. That must have been pretty SCARY!!!! 
What's up with TMR Audio?
It's interesting no one from TMR has commented on this thread yet. 
What's up with TMR Audio?
While I agree that the Holiday season is most likely the culprit, TMR did charge the buyer for the items. In my opinion I think they could have at least given him some sort of confirmation of the order. A all of 30 seconds e-mail? 
Best used DAC under $750.
A good, used Ayre Codex might be your answer. It is near that price range used, or slightly above. Also has XLR outputs. 
New Magnepan "Concept Speaker" introduced at Audio Connection
Thanks for all the informative responses to this thread. I have listened to several setups at various HiFi shops with the Magnepan 3.7i and have always liked the sound. One system had a REL sub connected to it and it sounded really punchy with the... 
Well-Tempered Golf Ball?
sebrof,When I told my wife how much I paid for my Mk.II, she didn't talk to me for almost a week! lol. 
The Music Room - Boulder Colorado
I had talked to them and they tend to hold to a price point due to tight profit margins. I guess this means that they give a decent offer for what they buy used. Just an opinion. 
Well-Tempered Golf Ball?
The newer models have a half golf ball covered with the silver cap. I am a owner of a WT. Amadeus Mk.II. I realize a lot of people are put off by the golf ball and fish line approach, but that, along with a unique style platter bearing, make for a... 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
I tried raising cables off the floor for about a year. Tried them back on the floor and heard no difference. Michael Greene seems to believe in risers, but he also told me the type of metal the screws are made of which hold down circuit boards in ... 
Schiit Mani vs Atoll P200SE Phono Preamp
craigert,You got  a lot of "bang for the buck" with the Rega, Nagaoka, Atoll combo. To me, the real star of that group is the Nagaoka MP-110. For $125, that cartridge is a steal. I would put it up against any one else's cartridge up to $800. A fri... 
Grimm findings on streaming audio
I too, prefer my streamer/DAC combo with Tidal over my CD player. 
Dead Bluesound Node 2
I have a Bluesound Node 2 for almost three years now, and it's been a very reliable, high value piece of equipment for me.