
Responses from mr_m

What is turn on/off sequence of amp and pre-amp?
superultramega,I generally leave the standby switch (Rogue Pharaoh) in the on or ready position all the time. I only switch it off If I am going to leave my system off for an extended period of time such as going away for a several week vacation. ... 
Well Tempered Amadeus MK1 - What cartridge would you recommend
I have a Well Tempered Amadeus Mk. II. I'm using a Nagaoka MP-200 ($400). Don't let the lower price fool you, this cartridge has bested some famous carts in the $1000-$1200 range. You will get plenty of good recommendations, but please give this c... 
A warm DAC?
Ayre CODEX might be what you are looking for. 
magnapans.7i and subs
I have listened to the 3.7i's with upscale Rel subs, and it sounded wonderful. Another choice of subs would be Vandersteen Sub 3's. Although they take a bit more ambitious amount of implementation. 
Rogue Sphinx or Belles Aria???
I do agree the Belles is a great choice but it could be system dependent. The Rogue has a warmer sound and is a good performer with NOS pre tubes. Belles more incisive with a bit more bass strength. Just my opinion. 
What is turn on/off sequence of amp and pre-amp?
Source(s), preamp, volume down, amp. To turn off, reverse procedure.I have integrated amp with standby, using above procedure less turning on a separate power amp. The slight thunk or thump you hear is perfectly normal, at least with most integrat... 
Switch from AB to D
hgeifman,What brands of class D did you own??? 
Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?
You're kidding?..........Aren't you????? 
Looking For Advice After Dumb Vandy Purchase
Another vote for Ayre Codex. 
The very best sound: Direct to Disc
As a side note, not all the Sheffields are D2D. More specifically, there was some Sheffield  Lp's that came out of their earlier stuff called "Treasury Albums." These were made from the back up reel to reel tapes of the D2D sessions. I compared on... 
Brand new Vandersteen Model 2's
Ct, Bob. All is good. I don't want to make a big thing out this  Maybe I already have. I apologize. I'm just trying to get a feel for how good this new model 2 is. I haven't heard it yet, but I bet it is pretty special. Can't wait to hear a pair! ... 
Brand new Vandersteen Model 2's
Bob. As far as the comparison, I agree with you. This dealer is highly respected by Richard Vandersteen. Yes, I have talked to RV about this dealer. Goes to show ya we all hear differently. lol. 
Brand new Vandersteen Model 2's
Ct. Ok, model 2CE Sig. III. A slight slip on my part, but I think you know what I meant. I was only making an observation of the New model 2's SQ capabilities. I agree that the Treo Ct should be the better speaker, but How can you say it's "not cl... 
Threads worth reading!
It's really sad to see Kenjit live "rent free" in everyone's mind. 
Bought an amp new for $1400. Ten years later traded it in on another new amp ($5200 retail) and dealer gave me $2600 in trade for my old amp.