
Responses from mr_m

What are the sexiest components ever made?
A pair of Yamaha NS-1000 loudspeakers in their version of Zebra wood. 1978. 
Purifi Class D: Junk?
jaytor,Same can be said for Hypex modules. Many designers incorporate them in many different ways with excellent results. 
What did you make for Christmas?
How 'bout a tenderloin 2 inches thick, 3  1/2 inches round, on the grill, medium rare.... 
Inexpensive MM Cartridge
The Nagaoka MP110 and Schiitt Mani is a incredible bargain for the money. 
How old is your cartridge?
+1 on suspension deterioration. 
Inexpensive MM Cartridge
Chakster.  Specs aren't everything. Try listening to the comparisons for once instead of your technical diatribe. I don't ignore specs, but like anything else in this hobby the proof is in the listening. I have had carts you have mentioned specifi... 
Inexpensive MM Cartridge
Chakster, he bought the Nagaoka. be happy for him instead of your usual BS about cartridge choices of what is good and what is not.  
Speaker design, KenjiT and others.
mofojo,You beat my reply by seconds! lol 
Speaker design, KenjiT and others.
This is what happens when you "Poke the bear" 
1st Album you Ever Owned?
"Cherish" by the Association. It was my high school girlfriend's fave.Alas, she didn't think the same way about me! LOL!!!!! 
Any Bluesound Node2 owners
The Ayre CODEX Dac is a excellent choice in conjunction with the Node2. You can pick one up used around $800-$1000. Not bad, considering it sells new for around $2000. Codex also has balanced outs to your amp. If your amp has balanced inputs, try ... 
How do you feel about a wheeled dolly permanently under large floorstanding speakers?
It is very easy to "duck walk" a large heavy pair of tower speakers. I am of average strength for my age. 
Advice on best mid priced MM cartridge choice for Rega P3 (2016)
Nagaoka is a solid choice for the money. 
Advice on best mid priced MM cartridge choice for Rega P3 (2016)
ChaksterWhy do you always recommend the same old handful of cartridges????? 
Update on Audiogon Member Almarg
The "Man" among men in this forum. And a even greater person to all who know him.Gos's peace to you, Al and Margaret