
Responses from mlsstl

What is wrong with negative feedback?
Negative feedback has been used in amps for a long time but the use got out of hand in the 1970s when the "spec wars" got going big-time. Amp designers found they could get very low distortion numbers which looked good in magazine ads. The catch i... 
looking for tube info
What do you mean by "effect"?You didn't identify the amp in question but from an electrical standpoint the new KT88s should work without adversely affecting the amp. They will probably sound a bit different but that may be as much due to old tubes... 
Signs of poor electricity in home...?
An "AC buzz" is the 60 Hz noise one hears when a ground connection is bad or the AC cord is plugged in backwards. It sounds like your noise is much higher frequency. Where is your equipment located? If you have your amp, preamp and source equipmen... 
Signs of poor electricity in home...?
Try to define the problem a bit more. You indicate this is not an AC buzz, but rather a white noise hiss from the mids/tweeters. Is this audible from the listening position or do you have to put your ear to the speaker? All electronics produce whi... 
Can back surrounds smear the front image?
Whether the number of recordings with true rear ambiance is signifcant or not depends on one's perspective. I just checked and Amazon shows over 230,000 recordings in the classical genre while they show 305 DVD-A recordings, 3,901 SACDs and 64 Blu... 
Can back surrounds smear the front image?
The answer to your question is "yes" - on material that was recorded for two channel sound, rear speakers can indeed smear the image. As noted in another thread, the human brain locates the origin of sound in space by comparing the differences in ... 
Klipschorn Imaging
One is in the corner flush while the other has wall only on one side (no chance of getting a wall there and false corner likely will look bad).I suspect your main problem with imaging is a result of the room asymmetry noted in the quote. Room trea... 
The Harbeth phenomenon
Again I have never heard them but the problem with the absorption method is that it will only work at certain frequencies.And the frequencies it does work well at are the frequencies where human hearing is most sensitive. You forgot to address the... 
The Harbeth phenomenon
James63 wrote: "I don't get how you could go through the effort of making/buying great drivers and using a so so box."If I can hazard a guess as to the direction you're coming from, there are two broad categories when it comes to speaker cabinets... 
The Harbeth phenomenon
Their sensitivity of generally around the 86dB mark makes them rather inefficient and therefore, at least in theory, not a good match for many lower powered tube amps, or any amps below 100wpc. Their frequency range is simply inferior to most high... 
Oh Oh- Aural issues discovered
I agree about the equalization. Don't do it just to fix this problem. Your ears don't get to use an equalizer when you hear live music or sounds, so equalizing your stereo will make it sound less real, not more. The brain is able to compensate for... 
Vinyl reissues quality
If one reads about the LP record production process from start to end, you end up amazed that any LP sounds acceptable. There are just a lot of points in the process for quality to deteriorate. A lacquer coated metal master is cut, which is electr... 
Transporter vs. Squeezebox Touch w/PS AudioDL-III
Everything I've seen says that the display module used in the SB3/Classic and Transporter is no longer being manufactured.However, that doesn't necessarily indicate a repair problem since there are probably a fair number in reserve for service pur... 
Transporter vs. Squeezebox Touch w/PS AudioDL-III
I left my DAC on 24/7 for the three years I owned it. They don't use a lot of power or get warm, so just leave it in a well ventilated spot. They don't require any special maintenance, calibration or alignment. The Transporter is an excellent piec... 
Transporter vs. Squeezebox Touch w/PS AudioDL-III
I've got an indirect comparison. I auditioned the Transporter a few years back and ended returning it and kept the SB3/Lavry DAC combo I've been using since. I acquired a Touch 10 days ago and after comparing it directly to the SB3/Lavry combo (sy...