
Responses from mlsstl

The CD player is dead.......
PO, I've no clue where you are getting your numbers. According to Nielsen Soundscan, there were 374 million CDs sold last year. Digital downloads accounted for 40% of the market. That means CDs still represent the majority of music purchases. Whil... 
The CD player is dead.......
Just curious, PO, what recording have you tried to buy that hasn't been available in your desired CD format? You seem irritated that something has been taken away from you but in spite of your verbosity, I'm not sure what that is. 
The CD player is dead.......
Nice summary, Knownothing. In short, lots of options for everyone. And, if you look at the history of recorded music, the one constant has been change. No format has ever had an unchallenged, unlimited run and never will. Music boxes were the hot ... 
The CD player is dead.......
That's quite a treatise, Pettyofficer. Not sure what it has to do with the subject at hand, but interesting nonetheless. BTW, the "free market" has nothing to do with price. It is the opposite of a "centrally controlled" economy where everything i... 
The CD player is dead.......
In an effort to drag this discussion back to reality, the "high end" audio industry has never been anything more than a cottage industry. The vast majority of fancy audio electronics, for example, are constructed using individual parts developed f... 
The CD player is dead.......
Pettyofficer wrote: "The Computer was NEVER REALLY DESIGNED for Music Storage"Hmmm, wonder what all of those recording studios that make our music are doing for DAW recording equipment...;-) 
The CD player is dead.......
Tvad: What does that mean? Replacing a hard drive every so often?Sure. Why not. Its a mechanical device. Drives are cheap. I replace them about ever 4 years or so. Duplicate the old drive to the new one and you're off and running. Perhaps the sche... 
The CD player is dead.......
I'm sorry you've had problems with hard drive crashes. I don't view it as anything more than a maintenance item, rather like periodically needing new tires for your car. Also, replacing a motherboard does not mean losing data if you have a backup.... 
The CD player is dead.......
Tvad wrote:Consider that you buy a music file, and your storage drive crashes. Consider that your back-up also crashes...Consider also that Apple maintains control of downloaded music files....With CDs, once you've purchased the disc, you own it f... 
The CD player is dead.......
Lloydc wrote: I am puzzled by claims that data from a hard drive equals data read from a great cd transport. Data has to get onto that HD in the first place. Huh?Doesn't data have to "get onto the CD in the first place" also? If not, where does it... 
The CD player is dead.......
This is an issue that obviously brings some emotion to the table. The reality is the vast majority of CDs had their music contents transferred from a hard drive. Perhaps some old ones were transferred directly from an analog source through a ADC w... 
What is the effect of age on audio components?
Age effects vary with the type of component involved. For solid state power amps, the most common problem is that power supply capacitors can deteriorate with age. That can result in an increase in noise. Cap failure can also completely disable th... 
Magnepan 1.7 or used Totem Forest
Elb - if you're wondering how Totems or Maggies would sound in your system, one option is to buy used. There are several 1.6QRs available on Audiogon right now and a number of Totems, also. If you buy with a bit of investigation and a level head, ... 
Magnepan 1.7 or used Totem Forest
There are two major factors to consider that no one else can help with. The first aspect is based on your personal priorities as to what is important in reproduction of music.The second is these two speakers will interact with your listening room ... 
Logitech Touch vs Duet
Anyone that has owned a Duet knows the grief. SONOS is a superior product by leaps and bounds compared to Logitech solutions.Strange. I owned a Duet (and still own the Controller) and had no big issues. I now have a Touch in my main system, a SB3 ...