
Responses from mlsstl

Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
vidiot33 -- you've summed things up nicely, but I'll add a comment about fit & finish. The 1000s I bought a year ago are quite nicely done. Nothing fancy, but a good finish. I had demoed a set of 200s something over a decade ago (and didn't ke... 
Interest in Ohm speakers
Another thank-you for the link. I’m also a happy owner of a set of Ohms, though the 1000 model in my case. They make it easy to enjoy music, if that what's of interest to a person.  
What do you consider "loud" for your system?
A person shouldn't present their personal anecdotal experience as a recommendation for the rest of the population. A few people have smoked a couple of packs of cigarettes a day and lived into their 90s, but that is hardly a foundation for telling... 
WAF Speaker suggestions
I appreciate your WAF problem. I had a set of classic Spendor 1/2Es that I was very happy with, but the day came when those "70s-looking boxes" were ordered out of the room. I've now got a set of Ohm 1000s and my wife likes the way they look in th... 
Ohm "Tall "speakers: Overall 2000 responses on a thread from 2008
Sunnyjim -- I went from a pair of Golden Ear 7s to a pair of Ohm 1000s just about one year ago. I've been very pleased with the Ohms in my setup. They have great voicing and a very natural soundstage -- its nice to be able to move around the room ... 
Still not sure what "upgrade" means to you. What do you think could be better (or just different) -- bass, midrange, highs, volume, clarity, dynamic range, imaging, physical appearance? That list could continue, but hope you get the idea.  
To put it another way, what about your current set-up is falling short and needs to be improved?  
Spendor. A4 vs A6r vs SP1/2R2
No experience with Spendor's A line, but I owned both the S8e and SP1/2Es and were able to compare them side-by-side. I ended up sticking with the SP1/2E at the time. The S8e was a more "modern" sound with better deep bass and it played louder, bu... 
Has anybody tried Qobuz Streaming service?
I'm enjoying Qobuz through my Vortexbox/LMS music server, routed through a Squeezebox Touch into a Bel Canto DAC. No problems with skipping, pausing or delays. Sound quality is excellent. I plan on sticking with the service 
Qobuzz - Spotify
I use a Squeezebox Touch and a dedicated PC running a Linux OS (Vortexbox) which uses Logitech Media Server (LMS) software to manage things. Work perfect for streaming Qobuz and also managing my own library of 60K tunes. The SB Touch is out of pro... 
Harbeth 40.2 OR Spendor Classic 100 OR ??
Don't know that I have a technical explanation for this, but between the Harbeth and Spendor, I like Spendor better. They just seem to have more "magic" and the lifelike presentation of well recorded acoustic instruments is very natural. I'd still... 
Puzzled about reasons why there seems to be no shortage of used planner speakers
I had a set of Maggie 1.6QRs for several years and really enjoyed them. Then I moved. I went from a house with a perfect room for planar speakers to a house with a poor room for them. Bi-polar planar speakers interact with rooms differently than c... 
Are the new Ohm Walsh speakers Audiophile quality?
I agree with dep14 -- my Ohm 1000s have just an absolutely wonderful balance of characteristics that make listening to music a wonderful experience. They make it easy to focus on and enjoy the musical performance instead of the equipment. I'll thr... 
Spender classic 1/2 vs SP1
I owned a set of SP1/2E speakers for a number of years. My understanding is with the newer R version, Spendor has yielded to the temptation to tweak their sound to a more modern "audiophile" sound and in the process lost some of the magic. I belie... 
German Physiks - Listening Impressions Wanted
I own a pair of Ohm 1000s and really enjoy them. I find that they produce a realistic sized, stable image. One of my favorite attributes of the Ohms is that I do not have to stay put in a small sweet spot in order to hear them at their best. It's ...