
Responses from mlsstl

Loudness - Why has the industry stopped producing amplifiers with this feature any longer?
As others have noted, loudness controls (and tone controls) are out of fashion.So, remember - loudness / tone controls = badAll other manner of changing the audio quality of your system -- speaker wires, cables, etc.  = good. 
Recommendations for floor standers that sound good at low levels too
I have a pair of Ohm 1000s that I really like, that are right at the $2K mark for a new pair. Small footprint for a floor stander. I find them excellent at lower volumes as well as when I play them louder (though I should note that roughly 85 dB o... 
if i encode digital audio with vinyl frequencies will i have digital vinyl ?
@guitarsam wrote:  i haven't owned a turntable in 20 years however listening to a vinyl rip i realized how superior the sound is to digital to my ears. and if i could convert digital audio to sound more like vinyl that would be a great compromise... 
System not playing higher resolution flac files
Don't know anything about your prior setup, but some programs will downsample higher rez files to a sample/bit rate that is playable. An example of this is the Squeezebox Touch player being fed by by a PC using the LMS program. The Touch will only... 
Thinking about a digital media player. No streaming. But there's a problem...
Just a question -- why is a tablet a no-go but a remote with a screen is OK?  
has anybody else noticed this about flac audio?
My conversion project started in the early 2000s and was finished eight or nine years ago. My equipment wasn't all that fancy - a Dual turntable with an Ortofon cartridge, and a Conrad Johnson preamp that fed a Dell PC with an aftermarket sound ca... 
has anybody else noticed this about flac audio?
Just a comment to point out that there is a BIG difference between comparing a LP against the commercial CD or hi-rez release versus comparing the LP against a digital copy of the LP made using your own equipment. Anyone who has ever looked into w... 
35 year old drivers need replaced?
Assuming no abuse over the years (played too loudly or with a clipping amp, etc.), the things that deteriorate most with age in a speaker are:- driver surrounds. This is most pronounced with foam surrounds. If damaged, it will be very obvious. Oth... 
Roon (Nucleus+) Dilemma
Have you tried asking at the Roon forums? Here is the link: They have a specific subsection for support.  
has anybody else noticed this about flac audio?
I've never had a problem with any of my flac files. Flac is the musical equivalent of the zip file used for compressing computer program and data files. There is no data lost or changed. Higher compression levels for flac (which makes for smaller ... 
Location of computer relative to system
I keep the PC that houses my music collection / music server in my home office. That connects via ethernet cable to the various players I have.  
New to Streaming RPI4 and Hifiberry DAC + DSP
My personal music collection (~60,000 tracks) is stored on a desktop PC running Fedora Core 31 OS (Linux) and the LMS 8.0 (Logitech Media Server) program. In turn, that feeds 2 RPi /HiFi Berry players, one Squeezebox Touch and a Squeezebox Radio. ... 
New to Streaming RPI4 and Hifiberry DAC + DSP
I use Qobuz and have been very happy with their service, music collection and sound quality. I also use a RPi 3+ with a HiFiBerry Digi out for streaming both Qobuz and my own collection. I use the LMS server program for music management.  
Time for the Dynaco to go, Affordable Integrated or Separates for Wilson's Under $2.5K?
I had a pair of MkIIIs for some years that I had rebuilt myself. I really liked them, but have moved on from tubes. My only comment is that if you choose to move to something else, don't forget there is an active market for the old Dynaco gear. If... 
Quick roon question
Different strokes for different folks. As noted, was very close to being a Roon subscriber and may still be in the future depending on how their software evolves.