
Responses from mlsstl

Ohm Walsh 4s worth looking into ???
For many years now I've refused to use the word "audiophile" to describe myself even though I've been active in the hobby for almost 50 years, including stints as a stereo store manager and a concert sound engineer back in the 70s and fixing/build... 
Ownership and Review of a pair of Ohm Super Sound Cylinder
Just my two cents -- I've also posted in the Ohm Micro Tall thread -- I bought a set of Ohm 1000s that were delivered in September and have been enjoying them immensely. (There was a near 40 year gap in my Ohm ownership as I had a set of the origi... 
What speakers use a "minimal" crossover?
12 1/2 years between the last post and the one just before it! Is that a record? 
Anyone compared GoldenEar Triton 7 with Triton Reference?
I'd agree that all hi-fi fails to some degree to capture live acoustic performances. But, a couple of comments. First, the current Ohms are not full omnis. They have a controlled dispersion pattern. Second, instruments vary in their sound projecti... 
Anyone compared GoldenEar Triton 7 with Triton Reference?
I get your point regarding the size of the sweet spot, but that in and of itself is unnatural. That's not how one hears things when one is at a live acoustic event when one moves around. The Ohms are much closer to the live experience with this on... 
Anyone compared GoldenEar Triton 7 with Triton Reference?
Not a side by side comparison, but I owned a set of Triton 7s for 3 years (which I recently replaced with a set of Ohm 1000s) and have also heard the T-Refs at the local dealers in a living room enviornment, using my music. Golden Ear does have an... 
Advice and help understanding, choosing a Widebander / Single Full Range Driver speaker?
@david_ten -- Interesting approach. My philosophy is to start with the speakers and then work backwards to the amp. But, if I understand this thread correctly, it looks like you are more looking to experiment and play with a second system rather t... 
Advice and help understanding, choosing a Widebander / Single Full Range Driver speaker?
I'll just throw in my two cents here. I ordered a set of Ohm 1000s this summer and have had them about a month & a half now. 120 day trial or not, they are not going back. Tonally accurate, natural sounding, and best of all, just as with a liv... 
How can anyone want more......Just a very happy listener.
Different strokes for different folks. 80% of the world's population lives on less than $10 per day. Even the most modest stereo system would seem an obscene investment to them -- forget $40K speakers. Stereos are just like cars, which are just li... 
Inexpensive tablet well suited as a control point for my streamers, including Sony
No clue if it works with the Sony, but I use an original Kindle Fire using the Squeezecomander program to control my Squeezebox Touch and Logitech Media Server program. If you just need a web browser, that's built into the Fire tablet. The 7" vers... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
@bondmanp -- The TV sits on a wood TV cabinet. While the cabinet itself is against the rear wall, the back of the TV is about 6" or 7" from the wall. (The internet router is located behind the TV.) BTW, the Siless panels are only about 1/16" thick... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Here's an update on the Ohm 1000s. I've had them for over a month now and have them settled in the right spot and continue to really enjoy them.The stridency issue originally mentioned turned out to be the rear panel of the flat screen TV that is ... 
84k speakers... Big disappointment
When I worked in a stereo store in the mid-70s, we sold B&O. I did like their turntables, but was never impressed by the sound of their speakers. They looked impressive -- very Scandinavian -- but forget the sound. Looks like they've kept with... 
Are the new Ohm Walsh speakers Audiophile quality?
I just got a pair of Ohm 1000s delivered about 2 weeks ago. I'm very pleased with them. While I'm still experimenting a bit with the final placement, I've already made the decision to keep them. No need for any more of the 120 day trial period. Ar... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
I'm enjoying my Ohm 1000s as I type this -- Murray Perahia is playing Beethoven's Piano Concerto No 1 and the sound is expansive. Ohm's do a wonderful job of capturing the scale of an orchestra in a concert hall.My room is roughly 13 X 14 and the ...