
Responses from mlsstl

Dead Bluesound Node 2
@woofman74 said: "Second, to the CDs are dead crowd, when my Bluesound Node decided to commit suicide, it was the ancient technological dinosaur silver discs and reliable Oppo player that saved the day when guests were here..."  First, I don't ... 
Dead Bluesound Node 2
corelli - our world runs on computer databases these days -- your money in the bank, investments, medical records, and so on. The key for any of these data collections, whether yours, a big comany's or the government's, is backup. This even has an... 
Dead Bluesound Node 2
zkidd -- you missed my point. The only reason I used Rolls as an example is they do break in spite of their initial build quality and stringent standards. I was not extending the analogy to post-sale service and repair. It doesn't surprise me that... 
Dead Bluesound Node 2
I realize it is frustrating to have a component die an early death, but those thing do happen. One marginal component (out of hundreds) in the middle of a circuit board that may have been good enough to pass QC at the factory can fail down the roa... 
Ohm Walsh Talls and amplification
I listen to a lot of classical music as well as folk, americana, jazz and other forms of music that are heavily acoustic. I agree that this system is amazing in its ability to throw an image that seems like the players are there with you. Even mor... 
Ohm Walsh Talls and amplification
I have a set of Ohm 1000s that I run with a Bel Canto C5i. As mapman noted, this is 60 watts/channel, BUT that is at 8 ohms. The C5i doubles its power output at 4 ohms which is indicative of a very good power supply. My Ohms are 6 ohm nominal load... 
Best realistic omni type speaker option?
I have a set of Ohm 1000s and really enjoy them. I prefer them to the Obelisks I auditioned a few years back. I haven't heard the Duevels, but since I'm enjoying my Ohms, I have no urge to go looking. 
Has anybody tried Qobuz Streaming service?
The main problem with Amazon is that unlike Tidal, Qobuz and others, they will not share their interface requirements (API) with third parties. That means many of us cannot play Amazon music, lossless or not, through our systems without changing e... 
Audiogon Trades?
Trying to arrange a trade involving specific pieces of equipment is generally unproductive -- you really limit the likelihood of anything happening. The person on the other end who wants your piece of gear is very unlikely to have the item you wan... 
Considering Harbeth C 7ES-3
Harbeth makes a great speaker and they obviously have a devoted following. Spendor is also highly regarded and make a similarly voiced speaker. However, the key to choosing any speaker is to listen, and preferably in your own room.  
Has anybody tried Qobuz Streaming service?
edcyn, sorry to hear you are having problems, but you said nothing about the hardware/software you are using. Tough to help with a question like this without those details, along with your ISP info. Have you had any problems with video streaming f... 
Maggie owners (past, present, future) what do (did) you love and or dislike about them?
I had a set of 1.6QRs that I really enjoyed. The only reason I sold them is that we moved and the room at the new house was simply unsuitable for bipolar panel speakers. That's probably my only contribution to this discussion -- take a good look a... 
What do you consider "loud" for your system?
Just to clarify, dynamic range can be looked at in more than one way. My comments above were directed toward the original post -- the perception of how loud the music seems when listening -- richmos said he is listening at 90 dB with 96 dB peaks, ... 
Speaker Volume
Careful with that "my hearing is good" line. I don't know how old you are, but hearing loss is typically a cumulative trauma. I knew a lot of smokers who went years without problems, but they paid the price when they got older. I don't know how ol... 
What do you consider "loud" for your system?
mesch -- I don't think the dynamics of most modern digital recordings -- particularly pop & rock -- support a 20 dB peak in the recording format. And, it its not available on the recording, it can't be heard in your system. I've used Adobe Aud...