
Responses from mlsstl

Burned Pecan Pi
I looked at the Pecan Pi web site and noted their player has several different software options. Besides Roon and Volumio, they also offer it with piCorePlayer and MoOde Audio software.  I don't have a Pecan Pi, but have been using a Raspberry Pi... 
Node failing, surges?
It'd be interesting to test the voltage output of your power conditioner and also see what its waveform looks like on a scope.    That said, I've got no personal experience with the Node but haven't read much of anything about them being a partic... 
Node failing, surges?
Probably a dumb thought, but have your tried plugging the Node into the wall outlet instead of the power condition?  Maybe the condition itself has a problem.     
Basic question about power/watts
As a former Maggie owner, a couple of comments: 1) Dipole speakers interact differently with rooms than box speakers. Positioning is critical and, sadly, some rooms are just not a good fit for Maggies. That's why I sold mine -- I moved and the ro... 
DAC Portability/Durability
Most of the electronics I've had over the years has been very durable. But the one weak spot can be cables/connectors between equipment. For example, I've had the charger plug for laptop break multiple times, necessitating replacement of the charg... 
NAD M33 issues, don't know where to start
Don't have a NAD myself, but one item you might check is to remove the case cover and see if all the connections look right.  Computer display screens are typically plugged into the mother or video board using a flat ribbon cable.  Yours may have ... 
Where to go from here?
>> "Can i run 2 speaker wires to each speaker? One from the av receiver and one from the 2 channel system." I'd strongly recommend against that. The amp you are using would be delivering power not only to the speakers, but would also be try... 
NCore Vs. Purifi
Why don't you contact Warren at -- he builds and sells amps with both modules available and, from personal experience in dealing with him, is a straight shooting guy.  
Where to go from here?
I'd suggest you look into what equipment you can use in your own home on a trial or loaner basis.  That will probably give you the clearest idea of which approach gives you the biggest improvement.   
Bell Canto C5i Integrated Amp with B&W Nautilus 803 Speakers. A Question
Interesting -- I listen at the 80 to 85 dB level and like the sound of my relatively low-powered Schiit Aegir much better than the VTV class D amp that had 150 watts/ch.  No issues with thinness or an overemphasized top end in my system. Just goes... 
Paper cone drivers/natural materials
"How much does driver material influence you purchasing decisions?" It has nominal influence on my purchasing decisions.  Frankly, in the real world, every material represents a series of trade-offs -- this advantage versus that disadvantage. And... 
Bell Canto C5i Integrated Amp with B&W Nautilus 803 Speakers. A Question
Besides room size, treatment and placement, how loud do you listen? I used to have a BC C5i that I used with ~88 dB efficient speakers (first Spendor SP 1/2E and the Golden Ear Triton 7s) in a medium size room and had no problem listening at avera... 
Need an integrated amp that sounds engaging at lower volume
>> Have a look at the Schiit Ragnarok integrated amp. Same problem as with the LSA tube amp -- only $1,500.... 😁  (And I say that as a happy owner of the Schiit Lyr 3/Aegir combo.)   
Need an integrated amp that sounds engaging at lower volume
Haven't heard one myself, but the LSA VT-70 tube amp has been getting very nice reviews. At 35 watts/channel, it should have more than enough power for low volume listening.  The only drawback I see is that it is way under your allotted budget. 😀  
The new dynamic in speaker pricing
Another factor in speaker pricing for the top-end models is just branding and marketing. While they may or may not sell a few of the most expensive models to a billionaire here and there, a bigger goal may be to simply add caché to the more ordina...