
Responses from mlsstl

Ethernet patch cable 5e with cat 6e
@peter_s -- regardless of what other people hear, or think they hear, it is always going to be up to an individual user as to whether something like this makes a difference or not in their system.  And, one other thought not mentioned previously,... 
Ethernet patch cable 5e with cat 6e
As noted, it is up to you to decide whether or not you can hear (or see) a difference between Cat 5 and 6. Unlike the dynamic range for perceived volume where you need headroom above the average playback volume for peaks, the streaming signal does... 
Ethernet patch cable 5e with cat 6e
HD Video streams at about 5 Mbps and ultra-high video (4K) needs about 25 Mbps. So the Cat 5 spec and 100 Mbps connection would still work fine for that. The only way you might get in trouble is if you have multiple users all streaming different 4... 
Do I really need an " Audio Grade Network Switch "?
@antigrunge2 -- "refreshing to find someone actually using his ears on this rigorist dogmatist thread" I've longed recognized that I am the biggest uncontrolled variable in my stereo system. I'm a hybrid subjectivist/objectivist. While I buy what... 
Ethernet patch cable 5e with cat 6e
The basic difference between Cat 5 and 6 cables is bandwidth. A Cat 5 is capable of 100 Mbps and the 6 can do 1,000 Gbps. However, 5 is more than adequate for the transmission speed needed for audio playback, so that particular item shouldn't be a... 
Devore O vs Audionote
Another example of differences in taste. I've heard lots of Klipsch speakers over the years (one of my best friends has had a set of K-horns from the 1970s) and I've never been impressed.  He likes them, though, and that's all that counts. Getting... 
Devore O vs Audionote
Regarding prices, you picked a rather low bar to complain about. We have DACs costing $30K plus, amps double that and more, and no shortage of speakers easily breaking the $100K mark. All are good examples of a free market economy. The maker is fr... 
So I bought the Willsenton R-800i
Concerning tube cost in the old days, I found a 1970 Radio Shack catalog online.  12AX7 tubes were $2.70 each and EL84s were $3.55.  The higher power outputs had to be ordered, but were probably still in the same relative price range. So, yup, thi... 
Mid-fi tube vs high-end SS
" much improvement should I expect?" "Improvement" is probably not the right word.  What you can be sure of is that a solid state amp will sound "different" than your current amp.  Whether or not that will be an improvement is a matter of p... 
Devore O vs Audionote
I auditioned the Devore O96s a few months ago and was very impressed. Very musical and wouldn’t hesitate to purchase them except for the WAF. While I like the way they look, they are just too big for my wife’s taste. She doesn’t want our living ro... 
Bob Carver tube amps
"Lifetime warranty" refers as much to the lifespan of the company as it does the end user....  
Ditching Class A Amps due to Heat - Sort of a Poll
I have a class A amp on my main system and a EL34 tube integrated on a second.  The heat is a non-issue for me. I've owned some good quality class D amps (2 different Bel Cantos and a VTV Hypex along with some more basic units) and like the sound ... 
Passive subwoofer too loud.
The gain/input sensitivity of amps can vary quite a bit. Could be the separate amp you are using for the sub simply has more gain than the amp being used for the speakers.   As noted earlier in this thread, the Schiit SYS is a $49 passive preamp ... 
Combination streamer and music server…without DAC
I've got no horse in this race, but audiotroy has as much right as anyone to say that he prefers one particular piece of kit over another.  Almost everyone on the forum does that in one way or another.  That said, he does often come across as a sh... 
what size magnepan
Some years back, I tried the 1.6QRs in a 15 X 13 room and found they just didn't work well.  I'd go with the LRS or .7s that others have suggested.  Depending on use of the room, location of doors and windows, furniture choices, and WAF issues, yo...