

Responses from millercarbon

Ceiling speaker selection - looking for a straw poll from experienced AV people
1. In-ceiling speakers- none. The reason hardly anyone has in-wall speakers to compare is because no one buying in-wall speakers really cares. Not really. Oh, they say they do. But if they really did they would be buying real speakers, not in-wall... 
How do you properly size a speaker?
How do you properly size a speaker? Sensitivity. Look for at least a 96. 
VTA Cartridge
The stylus angle, azimuth and SRA, determines tracking, not azimuth.Azimuth is the relationship of the generator to the record grooves. The stylus can be perfectly aligned but if the cantilever is twisted, or the coils, or magnets, then azimuth wi... 
Quadraspire Racks - Q4 EVO vs SVT in Bamboo
Buy it only if you think its worth it on looks alone. Because even if it does sound better, no way its gonna sound better than if you put that same money into something like BDR Cones, or BDR Shelf, or Synergistic Orange Quantum Fuse, or any of a ... 
VTA Cartridge
Front face= VTA. Sides=azimuth. Visually level, front face perpendicular, is an okay starting point. VTA however can only really be set by ear.Soundsmith has a great video, Lederman explains VTA better than anyone. Yes even better than Fremer. The... 
Cana anyone recommend a plastic wrench that doesn'e scratch the metal?
Hand tight is fine. For a bit tighter a wide rubber band will greatly increase grip and leverage. If your binding posts are poorly designed or you're really determined to overtighten then tape your metal wrench. Sorry but people who overtighten ar... 
Mmmm Crow tastes good...
I do notice that, as with my stand mounts, there less bass at my siting position vs standing in the same spot.Of course you do.Sound travels in waves. Walls reflect sound waves the way glass reflects light, the main difference being sound waves ar... 
Crazy cheapo tweaks and impressive SQ hacking
also please explain how to filter out the sub Hz resonance of the earth Behold! The Nimbus Sub-Hertz Platform! (aka Firestone air spring) http://www.machinadynamica.com/machina24.htm 
which is more musical? A REL or a SUMIKO subwoofer for two channel only?
Both. Although two of each will be much more musical. Or three of one and one of the other. Actually, anything where you wind up with at least four is more musical than anything with just one.Specify "why"? Okay. Because when it comes to subs no m... 
Crazy cheapo tweaks and impressive SQ hacking
These principles of vibration control were worked out by a process of trial and error very gradually over a period of years. The turning point was realizing that properties or effects can be tested just fine without having to build an entire shelf... 
Sony Pua 7 help
You're making this a whole lot harder than it is. Nobody ever believes me when I say this but the only thing that matters is the pivot to spindle distance, and even getting that exactly right isn't super critical. So since no one believes me maybe... 
Crazy cheapo tweaks and impressive SQ hacking
Forest for the trees. 
Cat jumped on turntable
Seriously, Soundsmith. Lederman is all over this like white on rice. 
Crazy cheapo tweaks and impressive SQ hacking
I have already set up an an array of adhesive backed hooks behind our cabinet to separate and suspend power cables and signal cables. Hearing difference after doing this got me thinking about more cheap tricks in the first place. Need to try raisi... 
Crazy cheapo tweaks and impressive SQ hacking
Color CD edge with an ordinary felt marker pen.Use paper cups to hold cables up off the floor.Rearrange cables to eliminate tangles, space apart, and avoid running parallel.Play the demagnetizing tracks like on the XLO Test CD.Spray Static Guard l...