

Responses from millercarbon

Experience/thoughts on new Music Hall Classic Turntable?
gochurchgo-Not buying a potentially quality product due to country of manufacture is ignorant and consistent with “red hat” thinking.You don’t say.The CCP has control over everything in China, including complete access to all company records and c... 
Onkk Cue Turntable
The one construction technique he uses that sounds pretty cool is an all-ceramic bearing that because of the materials self-lubricating properties allows much less clearance than other bearings. Also seems to have a pretty good motor with advanced... 
Cat jumped on turntable
Sounds like you could use a Soundsmith. 
Romex to your amp?
If we take this scenario one step further, and agree ( or not?) that Romex is the material/cable that is the limiting factor in the power supply SQ to our gear ( particularly our amps) then the question becomes how does a different kind of cable f... 
Denon Dl 103 cartridge soundsmith question
What they call a re-tip is, unless I am mistaken, a lot more than just swapping the old worn stylus out for a new one. The cantilever is replaced as well. Since the cantilever attaches at the other end to the generator coils (or magnets if MM) the... 
Perfect Path Technologies
Its sad because however whacky some things may seem more often than not it takes all of like 5 minutes to check it out. I mean just how hard can it possibly be to pull a fuse and put it back in going the other way? In 5 minutes you could probably ... 
Opinion needed
A Mark Levinson I've actually heard! Its a great match if you're into that that hifi kind of sound. Coming from the Audible Illusions though you may be doing some head-scratching trying to figure out why its so hard to find the ML doing anything t... 
Choosing the right truntable
Why choose between unipivot and gimbal when you can have the best of both? Origin Live uses a hybrid design that combines the best of both methods into arms of outstanding performance.There's a lot more to turntables and arms than mere design. Mor... 
Romex to your amp?
dweller:See thread titled: "wiring my house for sound" (started 3-14-2002)My response:03-15-2002 6:36pm "If you want to get extreme, hard wire your mains to whatever uses them. For example, cut off the male connector of what usually plugs into the... 
Are the really pricey HT Pre Amps worth it?
No. None of them are. But that's just the way it is with AV. 
3D imaging
My biggest compromise is distance from side walls, not much I can do about that,however I do have treatments at the first reflection points,which helps. I guess my next question will be a little more involved. How do downstream electronics help or... 
Fixing woofer, should I replicate actions on matching speaker woofer too?
Yes. Both. Or all. This is an easy DIY and common enough there's kits and YouTube videos. I always say, if a YouTuber can do it, I can do it. But whatever. Do both. 
3D imaging
Thanks for the input millercarbon. I rotate 3 sets of speakers in my system,(Hornshoppe Great Horned Heils,Nola Boxer 2's,and Graham Chartwell LS3/5's). They all throw a great 3D image,so I guess I'm doing something right. I was just curious if th... 
Romex to your amp?
Yeah and romex is so good Synergistic Research uses it inside their $16k Powercell. Oh wait, what's that? They don't?No of course they don't. Because its absolute nonsense.Look, forget about power cords, UL BS and all, just think about the copper.... 
3D imaging
What makes speakers produce a 3D image is being symmetrically equidistant and pointed towards the listener. Period.All the other stuff contributes, of course. But you asked specifically about speakers. But hey, don't take my word for it. Prove it ...