

Responses from millercarbon

Magnepan needs your help
I have a condo in Carlsbad, Calif and would love to host Wendell and ten or so avid listeners, chat w Bruce at Stereo Unlimited the local dealer, fun.... vino and smoked salmon on me :-) Only ten???! I'm in Redmond, WA and would happily host as... 
Bespoke Loudspeaker Company
Still, you know, needing bespoke speakers, makes total sense.I mean, two left ears. 
Best Way for my TT to reach my Pre-Amp!?
Holy crap! Did not even notice this is AV! Of course the phono stage (and everything else) in that will easily be massively improved with anything, absolutely anything- other than of course any other AV type component. Wow. I mean wow. AV. Well th... 
question about bi-wired speaker termination
You're asking if there's some technical explanation why you're not quite sure of what you are hearing?Rest assured there is. 
[Just for fun] Favorite Thread Derailleurs
And then he parked in the remote spot overlooking the city lights. turned to her and said, "San Diego. Which of course in German means 'a whale's vagina'." 
30 Amplifiers Totaling $428,740.00 In Search of Audio Nirvana
So you had those awesome monoBlocks and never tried MBL Radialstrahler?Hmm. Go figure. 
Best Way for my TT to reach my Pre-Amp!?
the phono Input of the Marantz which I have read is better than most other phono preamps I can buy. Lol!!! Hilarious! The things people will say to make a sale.Reality check: Just about any but the cheapest stand alone phono stage will blow away e... 
Bespoke Loudspeaker Company
Wait- what? RU kidding me? I been doing all this so long now, just assumed everyone was. You are just now getting around to it? For reals? 
The Doug Macleod appreciation thread
Doug MacLeod is a bona fide living breathing Blues Legend! The Blues is so totally in his veins I have played his music for people then when they asked showed em the album and then watched their reaction when they saw he's a white guy. Because suc... 
[Just for fun] Favorite Thread Derailleurs
Guy picks up a girl at a bar, offers her a ride home. Leaving the parking lot he turns and asks, "Which way?"She points right."Aww, that’s a shame," he says. She looks at him puzzled and asks, "Why?""Well, because if you had said left then it coul... 
Phonostage Advice
If there's breakup that sounds almost like static distortion then it may be mistracking. But if that's the case then you should hear it on other similarly loud passages regardless of the record label. Hasten to add, I don't think that's what this ... 
Magnepan needs your help
Ouch. Well at least now I don't feel so bad. 
[Just for fun] Favorite Thread Derailleurs
Its like, one day everyone goes for a ride and its all nice and tranquil. Oh every once in a while a little snick, snick. But for the most part its all the soft fluffing of air and chain.Then all of a sudden one ride CLICKCLICKCLICKCLICK holy crap... 
Pass Labs and Fuses
On the rest of his amps Mr Pass was kind enough to use no fuses. Seems like that would be doing us a favor- or does it?Only if the wire can be shown to sound better than the fuse.Not likely. 
Magnepan needs your help
Seattle can't get no respect. Okay. I can totally get that. But Kirkland, Redmond, Bellevue? Right across the lake. So, come on!