

Responses from millercarbon

Great choral music on lp
Well choral by convention means classical. Or is it chorale? Lol! Whatever. Throw in "of any genre" and you're more a capella, which some I like are Jennifer Warnes A Singer Must Die (Famous Blue Raincoat), and Paul Simon, Under African Skies (Gra... 
Why no “Break in” period?
the ironically named prof (who hasn't read enough of my posts, apparently) writes: Have you ever gone a step further, and "actually listened and compared" without peeking? Yes. Matter of fact, I have. Several times. Beyond your silly double-blin... 
Turntable placement help
I would avoid that if at all possible. The two things that have the greatest impact on sound are the rack/shelf and the interconnect. Anything more than 1m and your interconnect cost shoots way up while at the same time there are a lot fewer to ch... 
Turntable placement help
Well the floor is hard to beat. My Basis 2005 was on MDF on the floor for years. Here is what it takes to improve on the floor- https://www.theanalogdept.com/c_miller.htmThat's roughly 500 lbs of granite, concrete, and sand. On the bright side, un... 
Why no “Break in” period?
And what matters is the sound? That's what I thought.But if that's the case, and there's people saying there's things can't make any difference when we know they can in fact make things sound better, well then its not silly at all.At least, and I ... 
Ortofon OM20 and Audio Technica AT120E But Mostly Ortofon
What clamp are you using? 
Why no “Break in” period?
For many years my "expectation bias" was rock solid: wire is wire. Digital is perfect. There’s NO difference between CD players, DACs, wire, and most definitely the last thing that would ever make any difference is something as stupid and senseles... 
Tekton DI's or Klipsch Forte III
That's what I got out of it as well. Tekton's approach of minimizing mass by using lots of low mass small tweeters to do the job of one high mass midrange sure sounds like a winner. Its the exact same idea with moving coil, and the even better fix... 
Has to be said
The second way x-rays are produced is result of the moving Cathode electron penetrating deep inside the glass atom — and hitting the the atom’s tiny nucleus.They're not paying me anywhere near enough for this. But as an X-ray tech I just can't l... 
Whats a good sub for a Motorola C6000 1582 in a Carver M1.5 ?
Info and specs don't matter. Four. That's what matters.Find one you can afford to buy four of. Hook them all up. Thank me later. 
Playing mono records properly without breaking the bank - a phono pre-amp question.
If you go on over to SoundSmith.com and check out the info there, or search YouTube where you will find a lot of the same videos, you will find Lederman has some very good info on mono. Its not something I'm into, just love listening to guys who k... 
Why no “Break in” period?
"expectation bias"?This is practically a standard of movie reviews. How many times have we read about the reviewer coming into the movie not knowing anything about it? Or how the movie was nothing like the trailers? Or everyone said wow best movie... 
Hidden Gems in Pre-Owned Solid State Power Amplifiers?
McCormack DNA with the mods. 
Speaker Cable Recommendations
Synergistic Research. Get one with active shielding if you can. Then send the MPC wall warts to Michael Spallone. Find him here on audiogon. For a very nominal $50 or whatever it is now he will upgrade the diodes and caps and replace the cheap cir... 
Eh hem!...Subwoofers... What do ya know?
gochurchgo-I guess I’d have to see what “placed ideally” equates to. Some light reading have the impression that one on each wall was the answer. How true that is I do not know.if 2 $500 subs are better overall than 2 $200 subs then so be it. I’m ...