

Responses from millercarbon

Fully DC-Powered Home Audio System
The current carrying capacity of wire varies tremendously with voltage. That is why car battery cables are so big. You're hearing the clean power of the batteries, but unless they are very high voltage, or you're running super thick gauge wire, yo... 
Cartridge Opinions - Sorry
The Micro Benze did indeed work fine on my Graham 2.2. So did the Benz Ruby. But then it sounded even better on the Origin Live Conqueror.  Who knows how good they were tracking? No one does. Tracking is inferred from listening. So cut out the mid... 
Explain what is a clean power amplifier?
If you want a really clean amp, I suggest solid state. Tube amps sound better but have too many nooks and crannies that are hard to keep clean. 
Album Filing System
No fair. You cannot ask such a nerdy question and at the same time rule out the quintessential nerdy answer!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQvOnDlql5g 
Inner tracks vs outer tracks
Thanks for the answers. In my opinion, irrespective of the tracking error, which can be minimized with a linear arm, the difference in diameter should have an effect on the sound. We have the same amount of information stored in a shorter span. In... 
Do Audiophile Cables Matter? Here's PROOF!
Krissy Tetrault, antiques dealer. Just sayin'. 
Do Audiophile Cables Matter? Here's PROOF!
I can hear. That's all the proof I need.   The best comment on the video:  "we're not going to listen to it"... Literally the only test that actually matters for audio Mic drop. 
8 track tape vs 1st press vinyl
There’s good technological reasons for that. The things that make for high fidelity with tape are high speed, wide tracks, fresh tape, and head alignment. 30 ips is better than 7.5ips is better than 3.75 ips. 8 track tape moves at something like c... 
can i recreate the sound of vinyl by encoding the vinyl frequencies onto digital audio?
Interesting theory. In college I took Psych and participated in several studies. It was a long time ago but one had something to do with pushing a button. That's all, just push the button. They had some instructions, sure, but all I remember any m... 
8 track tape vs 1st press vinyl
Yes that is the problem, unrealiability. Alan Parsons greatest early recordings were all done direct to 8 track. I would play you one, but the player ate the tape. 
... abit confused: how does a power cord affect the presentation of sound...
Ah yes, the voice of ignorance. Clearly a man who knows not of which he speaks. All the fuss is more of the sales guys wanting to sale, than us need the product.That is just plain embarrassing. Too late enow to edit. Your only choice is remove it,... 
Debrox - maintenance for your ears
millercarbon are you a robot?Not according to Isaac Asimov. 
Debrox - maintenance for your ears
Thanks, but I'll stick with my WD-40. 
Is Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF) sexist?
23k posts and poof, gone. Erased. Well, not quite. Beholdhttps://forum.audiogon.com/users/geoffkaitWill they now remove his whole posting history? If we can't mention his name that would be the next Stalinist, er I mean logical step. 
Is imaging reality?
Its hard to be certain what exactly you're talking about. If you mean is imaging reality, as in is it some real thing we are able to hear then the answer is of course yes. Close your eyes, you can tell perfectly well where things are just by sound...