

Responses from millercarbon

How Best to Hookup Switchable Multiple Preamps to a Single Turntable
You're asking if its possible to run a signal through a bunch of extra stuff and not lose anything. If you can figure out how to do that you can make piles and piles of money. Until then you will just have to either plug and unplug or use the tape... 
Power Conditioner Cables
Its funny, because in the time it took to write the post, to say nothing of reading replies, you could have just plugged the darn thing in and figured this out yourself. Which you should do. What you will find, the power cord gives almost exactly ... 
Same watts at 8 and 4 ohms?
Its one of the more useless things to know. What matters most with amps isn’t the power of the amp but the sensitivity, and to a lesser extent the impedance, of the speakers. Because if you have speakers with at least 90dB sensitivity and the impe... 
Fuses and confusion
They all have fuses. Changing them does nothing to the warranty. They are usually pretty obvious.   Three are most common. One is a round knob on the back that says Fuse. These are spring loaded and usually push forward while turning, then pull ou... 
Direction on my next upgrade
Would I get any noticeable benefit from going from the $230 ortofon blue to a $750 ortofon black(also upgrading the rogue)?Of course you will. The beauty of "everything matters" is no matter what you improve, its improved, and you will hear it. ... 
What has been your costliest mistake in this hobby?
I've rewired my room, whole panels, component mods, all kinds of stuff going back to building a Dynaco ST200 in high school. Trying hard to think, there must have been something accidentally dropped, or scratched, or burned out somewhere along the... 
New analog rig(t.t.,tonearm,phono drive)
If you like Vertere, honestly, go with it. Half the pride and joy is how it looks. Seriously. Because I have yet to hear the table that doesn’t sound good, or at least can be made to with the right arm, etc. It really is a package deal. Part of wh... 
purchasing US made speakers
Tekton Moab, Encore or Ulfberht. Easy to drive, superb midrange, made in Utah. 
Is Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF) sexist?
I can’t decide if WAF is sexist because it means its a woman’s job to have good taste, or because its sexist to assume the wife is a woman.  
Most organic / real / analogue sounding DAC (ideally with Volume Control) for $1500??????
Most organic / real / analogue sounding DAC (ideally with Volume Control) for $1500??????
In any way. 
Most organic / real / analogue sounding DAC (ideally with Volume Control) for $1500??????
The irony is the highest compliment one can pay digital is to say it sounds analog- yet they still try and pretend it sounds better.  
Direction on my next upgrade
All the options you're considering have one thing in common: they are all spending money on expendable components you will inevitably lose money on when it comes time to upgrade.  Things that will improve your system as much or more without ever l... 
Lots of bass at walls, lack of bass in center of room/listening position
Absolutely. Notice my system https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367 There's a 12" isobaric Talon Roc sub in the front left corner, two sealed 10" subs towards the front on the left and right, and two 10" ported subs in the back along the L and ... 
Tekton speakers with Ribbon / AMT ??
Never say never, but from everything I have seen you're never gonna be hating it. Whatever you get, you're gonna be slapping yourself its so good. What he's done with that MTM array is taking things to another level. So can you do even better with...