

Responses from millercarbon

Is Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF) sexist?
Its not necessary to violate any rules. All you have to do is trigger some special snowflake, SJW or Karen and boom, the mods race to see how fast they can take it down. Half the people here are NPC so pretty much anything qualifies. 
Is Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF) sexist?
Good Lord.Never thought I would type this but....Where is Geoff Kait when you need him! Long gone. We all knew this day would come. Climbed aboard his starship and away he went. By now he is probably at warp, er, I mean Ludicrous Speed. 
Difference Maker!
The obvious solution is to be born with Benjamin Button's disease. The one where you're born a wizened old baby and then get younger as you get older so that when you're 70 you're 20. Unfortunately only one case so far, and with rumors of CGI invo... 
Jazz vocalists which may not be as real as we think/imagine
Another rambling all over the map OP. Brother. Enough to make one think You have no idea what you are talking about. Exactly. So I'm not the only one. Look, every vocal is manipulated to some degree or other. Singing 101: to sound warmer hold t... 
Are cables really worth their high price because of their geometry?
I find that hard to believe. What pressure are you running? 
Speaker shootout update; aggressive treble eliminating some (fairly?)
Meanwhile, back at the Millercarbon Ranch, one pair of speakers were ordered, delivered, set up, and there they will remain. Permanently etched, like the smile on my face. One and done. Coincidentally, at $4500 right at your budget. Of course they... 
Inner tracks vs outer tracks
isochronism: Miller: "There should also be changes as the Earth turn's on it's axis and magma shifts affect local gravity". So the amount of anti-skate adjustment would be dependant upon the turntable's placement orientation in regard to the di... 
No Improvement With Transparent Reference RCA Interconnects For Naim NDX 2 Streamer
custom calibrated for the specific electrical output characteristics of your components. My components output electrons. What a load of malarkey!Lesson #1: If its any good you will hear it right out of the box, and it will only get better with t... 
Tonearm mounting rigidity and considerations?
Could be. Point is, hard to be sure. Could just as easily be the majority of arms are screwed down simply because that's what everyone does and what everyone expects to see. Its also easiest. None of which means its the best. My arm before the Con... 
New Turntable Direction
At this level and for an experienced spinner, look at table and arm as two separate components. It sure looks like you have a terrific phono stage and cartridge. A new table and arm makes more sense to me than pouring $6k into a Linn. A Linn that ... 
Tonearm mounting rigidity and considerations?
Your reasoning sounds really good on paper. Now here's the reality. My Origin Live Conqueror arm slip fits into the table. Its held in place by gravity. There's not much play, but neither is it a snug fit. Directions for cutting the hole had somet... 
Is Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF) sexist?
If it helps, I identify as a 24 year old Scarlett Johansson. Its a royal hassle. I'm on my third trip to the DMV. For some reason they just cannot get the photo to look right. 
Difference Maker!
I usually just squirt some WD-40 in there.  
Separates to tube integrated
Do I stand to lose any by going to an integrated? I am guessing from what I have read I will actually be gaining.That's right. At least if you go with a Raven. https://www.ravenaudio.com/product/nighthawk-mk3-tube-amplifier/ 
Subwoofer. Great one song. Not so great the next song.
All these things that are so hard with a sub become trivially easy with four subs.