

Responses from millercarbon

Tube amps to play music recorded on tube microphones?
Actually tubes and records are better at everything. Its just you're more used to hearing modern music played back in those more common formats. So you're used to it and expect it to sound bad. When it sounds good (tubes, records) your brain gets ... 
Who's good at appraising stereo equipment?
The most accurate appraisal service is a decentralized network of interested informed specialists who will in their collective wisdom not only tell you but demonstrate to the penny what each component is worth in the marketplace. Its called eBay. 
The Best Isolation/ Vibration Footers per component - what's your experience?
You go from findings that are specific to your system and thenare looking for broad generalizations that are notsystem-dependent?  Nice try.Pretty sure you can point a telescope any direction, peer as far out into space as you want, across billion... 
Best Rock Song Ever!
More Than a Feeling would count, if you knew it was best, and not lumped in with five others nowhere near as good. Come on guys, I put up Jump Into The Fire! At least give me a run for my money.  Which, admittedly, is none. But still.... 
How to select a good Speaker Cable
These wires you make, have any of them been certified by the Kenjit Society? 
RCA cable design
Except he didn't answer the question at all, which is where is the signal. He defined what is the signal in terms of voltage. Not a word about where it is, and does quality matter. In other words its all frosting. To paraphrase the old Wendy's lad... 
The Best Isolation/ Vibration Footers per component - what's your experience?
Some of the stuff I can see enough to figure out and understand what's going on. In part anyway. But would sure be nice if you would take each individual thing and explain what it is, how its made, etc.  
Best Rock Song Ever!
Nilsson, Jump Into The Fire    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfjNpgZ4C5Q    Ha! I win! 
The Best Isolation/ Vibration Footers per component - what's your experience?
As crazy as I know it looks, anyone seriously interested in getting the most out of their system and audiophile dollar really should spend some time reading mahgister and studying his system. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8221 His Six Laws ... 
High or Low output MC cartridge?
Pros and cons are technical. Results are what you hear. Go by technical and its a crapshoot, so good luck. Go by how things sound and you will do just fine. That said, its not like those technical factors are completely irrelevant. All cartridges ... 
Been saving up for a big purchase. What to upgrade next?
The simple solution that will get you truly awesome state of the art bass is a Distributed Bass Array. A DBA is simply four subs distributed asymmetrically around the room. The number of subs and having them spread around is far more important tha... 
Classical LP & CD Collection - How do You Sell When Record Stores Don't Want?
Sad but true. What I would do, cull through them looking for what are most likely the 20 or so of the very best. Look up those select few on discogs to make sure they are valuable. There are bound to be a few. Because while its true the vast major... 
best used floorstanding speakers under 5k that has small footprint
What size footprint are we talking here? Women's size 8? 
Alternatives to Brick and Mortar
Sure glad car dealerships don't have your guys attitude. You want a test drive? Are you gonna buy? No? Just compare? Then you're stealing from me.  Sorry. No. Its one of the great things about having your own business, maybe the only great thing a... 
Alternatives to Brick and Mortar
These problems have always been there. Even back before the internet Stereophile let people know about stuff they'd never find in driving distance. So your choice is be limited by what's nearby, or take a chance on the Stereophile reviewer and try...