

Responses from millercarbon

stereo review magazine
Never said they are all out of print. Just I haven't seen them. Sheesh. Not like I have time to go looking. I have you all to entertain, practically a full time job all by itself. 
BDR Cones for SS Amp
Good to hear. Especially since I get flack for recommending stuff like this for people with "modest" systems. But when I discovered BDR back around 1992 one of the first things I did was carry a set around trying them under all kinds of things. As... 
Snake oil??
Video improvement with ECT is very much like what you describe between digital and film. Video with ECT looks a lot more like film.   The best film is 70mm. The video equivalent of a direct to disc 45. I've seen Lawrence, My Fair Lady, Hamlet, and... 
New Arm or New TT and arm?
I've been using the Origin Live Conqueror for about a dozen years now. Highly recommend Origin Live. One of the pitfalls of some arms is you wind up in the situation of being limited on cartridges, worrying about compliance, mass, etc. Read Mark B... 
Analog system, upgrade preamp
Oh, forgot to mention, since you use tape- the Decware ZP3 has a neat feature where it can be used to replace the EQ on the tape deck. This does call for a simple mod to pull the signal directly off the tape heads and into the ZP3 via interconnect... 
Analog system, upgrade preamp
Thought that the foundation would be the Amp/Preamp to upgrade to a softer less edgy sound. Did not know about wire upgrades, still using old Monster wiring from over 30 years ago.   Good to hear your speakers are nice and efficient. You do no... 
Snake oil??
Phono Stage, Cartridge, DeGritter...which one first?
Most of the work in cleaning records is in getting them out, moving them around, and putting them back away again. The actual cleaning is only a part of the process. And yet most guys for some reason focus in on this one thing and feel it is worth... 
Snake oil??
I recently bought a Blu Ray DVD of the original Wizard of Oz. Two days ago, prior to watching the movie for the first time, I pasted all of my connections to the video system with TC. I’m using three of those aforementioned Lowe’s power strips... 
stereo review magazine
Yeah, definitely a mixed bag. Looking back, one of the few things I still like is the way their music reviews would rate the performance and recording. It got you thinking yes indeed these are two distinctly different things. Not talking about the... 
As promised my thoughts on my newly installed Townsend Podium isolation system.
Wait- what?! Podiums? Or Pods? Or Platforms??? 
Run length
An electrician will probably not want to run bare wire like that. Use whatever he recommends. Wire going to main speakers handling midrange and up is incredibly important. This is not that. Use whatever.  
Can anyone recommend a printable label for vacuum tube boxes?
Search label maker. Buy lots of tape. Once you start you never can stop. 
Low gain dac!
I don't get it. You know what you want- a DAC with lower output so you can turn the volume knob higher. You think where the volume knob points matters. It does not. But it is for some reason important to you. You know this. So simply buy a lower o... 
Analog system, upgrade preamp
Well the good news, not much has changed in 50 years. You still need speakers, amp, source, and wire. The integrated amp is still the best performance and value, at least until and unless you get up into big money. Tubes, records, high sensitivity...