

Responses from millercarbon

Raven Audio Nighthawk
Well, millercarbon has got me reading all I can find on Raven. My concern is I’ve only used a B&K 200wpc (ex442) for the 15 years I’ve had a real stereo system. It is driving refurbished Ohm Walsh 4s and two REL T5 subs. The subs are using the... 
Sellers: When do you drop your price?
Others have covered the ground. My approach to selling begins with buying. The last time I bought something not in original shipping cartons it arrived on a pallet with bits of cardboard held together by twine. You could literally see more of the ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Silk DegreesHolly Cole, TemptationYear of the Cat 
stereo review magazine
Unbiased, maybe. Uninformed, definitely. I too was a big believer in CR. Until I started noticing reviews about things I happened to know a lot about. Every single time it turned out they totally missed the point of the product. After a while it g... 
Speaker Spike Philosophy
Everyone seems to think the post that follows is some kind of personal message. I pulled $250 out of my you know what as an extreme example. Oh well.   I didn't admit anything. Because, for one thing, what you said is false. Some company name of C... 
High end processors - impact to video quality
Get some Synergistic Research ECT, stick one or two on your current gear as indicated. These will improve video and audio about as much as spending five times the money on a component. I am not kidding. When I stuck one on my player my wife notice... 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
Your only problem will be a sleep disorder, staying up later and later night after night listening and listening to all your records over and over again. Eventually things will stabilize and you will be fine. But the outlook for the next several h... 
Speaker Spike Philosophy
I've tried a lot of different spikes and cones over the years and was using BDR Cones as the best for a very long time. This was under my turntable, and speakers, and everything else. When I tried springs it wasn't even close, they were better in ... 
Possible cause of harsh mids?
There's a process for figuring out what is causing what. If it was a gain issue then the problem would be present every single time the volume got loud. That is not at all what was described. So it has nothing to do with gain.  Likewise, if it had... 
stereo review magazine
Hirsch had me so brainwashed I was acting just like the PITA tin-eared snake-oilers we have around here today. Only with one big difference- I have always been willing to try and see for myself. So one day someone said shot-gun is better. Well, I ... 
Decware Line Conditioner - Worth the wait?
On the one hand this is nothing more than your basic transformer with cap "conditioner". All the benefits described that sound so great are really nothing more than what you get with any transformer. It is simply that since no audiophiles underst... 
Possible cause of harsh mids?
The sound you describe as static like can be caused a number of different ways and goes by a number of different names depending on what exactly is going on. Sorry but you just kind of have to experience it a whole hell of a lot on a lot of differ... 
BDR Cones for SS Amp
They totally add up.  I started with really cheap stuff, most of which I thought was probably BS but figured why not try and see? One thing led to another. Even now I still try all kinds of stuff that seems unlikely.   Then when something does wor... 
Should say this and be fair with PS Audio stuff
Are you admitting then that you are unable to hear any difference from new?  
As promised my thoughts on my newly installed Townsend Podium isolation system.