

Responses from millercarbon

Audioquest cables best tweak
And you know this.... how? 
Requesting recommendations for phono stage
mabonn, the price range you are at makes this about as easy as can be- the Decware ZP3 is darn near unbeatable. I am another happy Herron owner but Keith made his last one last week and anyway they are too expensive even used. The Decware is perfe... 
Low level phono cables for rel s3 subs
Subs don't care. Why only last night I said hey look I got these new interconnects if you want em now's the time speak up or away they go! Subs gave me the silent treatment. Pretty sure they heard me so there's your answer.Not good enough? I've go... 
Can someone please explain
Curious minds/ears want to know.Yeah and just asked a book full of questions. Specifically, The Complete Guide to High End Audio by Robert Harley, which you definitely need to drop everything and buy right now. Meantime here are a few brief answer... 
Have I got the wrong amp? or the wrong speakers?
It's a receiver. Ditch it. Why? Because it's a receiver. Just get an integrated. Any integrated will be better. Why? Because everything is better than a receiver. 
What are your preferred profiles for integrated amplifiers
😂😂😂Better question: Who cares???!  
Equalization for vinyl nirvana
I have a question for the Audiogon and vinyl community: do you think equalization is helpful for getting good results with vinyl playback? Um, no it is essential. RIAA equalization is required. Anything beyond that- look let's cut to the heart of ... 
Can 2-channel be improved by using subtle surround Eno style?
Short and sweet: been there, done that, don't bother. 
I Pulled the Trigger on the Gaia IIIs. Another Very Positive Tweak! Next Up Schumann!
If it gives you a headache relax, it will probably go away in a day or two. Mine did. Or you may be one like Krissy who immediately felt better. But if you have a cat watch out, hers likes to curl up and sleep right next to it. Wherever she puts i... 
Can you get proper imaging if speakers are not the same distance from center?
This is what happens when you post something without proof reading to fix all the stupid auto-correct errors. Any tech types out there can tell me how to inactivate this counter-productive feature feel free to let me know. 
Can you get proper imaging if speakers are not the same distance from center?
Audio is all about the compromise. Yes of course the sound will be better with everything moved around. While you are at it get rid of the TV, rack, etc etc. Then of course it will be better in another room. Knock down walls, building the room. On... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Niel Diamond, SerenadeAvalon1812 with CannonJennifer Warnes, The Well The 45, with extra tracks like Born in Time available nowhere else. 
Adjustable Spring Bass Traps
Just wondering Oz your plans for, well assuming you are able to trap some bass, then what? Trophy size I suppose taxidermy, small fry get the skillet? 
Speaker Spike Philosophy
You made a good argument about sunk costs.Are you a lawyer in your spare time?No, I am better than a lawyer, I am Millercarbon. Actually if you watch the Alan Watts videos I post you would know who I am. And who you are as well.  https://www.youtu... 
Speaker styles / sound
And the crazy thing about that answer is considering the question it is actually pretty good. If you think lldd anyone can tell you the difference between two speakers based on size you might as well be asking to tell you the difference between an...