

Responses from millercarbon

Speakers for a less-than-ideal room
Enzo 2.7. Done. Forget audition, you won't need it as nothing else will come even close.If you want to have one system for movies and video stick to stereo and avoid at all cost any AVR.  
Snake oil??
As Mark Twain said, "What gets us into trouble isn't what we don't know. It's what we know that just isn't so."There you go. Blathering about what you 'know' that isn't so. 
members and their systems
When the 996 came out it was head and shoulders a better car than any 911 that came before. But it was different. So it caught flack. The iconic 911 door closing sound was gone. I complained about this to an older more experienced Porsche man. "Th... 
best recommendations
My best recommendation is no AVR. This is the worst component in all of audio. A Playstation is SOTA high end compared to an AVR. The rest of this is incomprehensible. Short and sweet: no AVR. 
Proportion of expenses
My favorite Rodriguez had the old guy listing off in detail every stereo component from 20 years ago concluding with, "That was with my first wife, what's her name." 
Charlotte Nc Turntable Setup Help
Quite honestly then your "setup" consists in making sure it is perfectly level. That's it! You might want to get a stylus force gauge, just to check and be sure that didn't shift in moving it. I would assume the previous owner set that along with ... 
What equipment should I invest in next?
Note that I’m not well versed in this area. Understatement of the week. But that's not the dig. No one is. That's the dig.Yes a better conditioner, power cords, outlets, etc etc will be better. 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
New Mark Levinson No.5105 turntable
Machining. Good one. Leave it to ML to figure out how to make even a turntable look ugly. 
Looking Party speaker
What do you mean? Tail-gate or kegger? 
VTA-Nervosa a Curse or a Blessing?
MC replies and my thread dies. Guys, he didn’t even mention Tekton! More insights please.My bad. Forgot to mention, Tekton came after Koetsu. Turns out with Tekton Moabs now even the most microscopic VTA tweaks are back to being easily heard and o... 
That old itch!
Never have heard any Martin Logan I would own, even if gifted to me. You currently are running speakers that are restricting you in your selection of amps, limiting you to high power monsters. Rather than spend a small fortune trying to satisfy yo... 
Has anyone made interconnects using Duelund 2.0 Silver Foil?
Best option, tape the foil ribbons together as closely spaced as possible. Then tape or insulate over that. Then surround the whole thing with something protective, cotton braid maybe, something like that. Just to cushion and protect from damage. ... 
two Channel equalizer recommendations
Nike coined the best ad phrase of all time: Just Do It! In a world where ad campaigns change month to month this one was so good it was used everywhere for decades. Don’t waste time talking, studying, planning, - Just Do It! The act itself is the ... 
members and their systems
The new 992 has the most head and leg room, AP fits in it easily and he is at least 6ft. Only problem, their entire MY21 allocation is already filled for some models. Or so I have heard. Not quite ready to order mine so don't know for certain yet ...