
Responses from mikelavigne

Can we go back to 33's please?
Agree totally with Rushton on the RCA Classic 45's; i have them all and play them frequently. i also have some of the RCA originals and the 45's are a whole new level of musical energy and information.A few of them are slightly 'hot' on top for my... 
VTA on a Triplanar
one of the great design features of the Triplaner is that VTA can be set dynamically (as you are listening), it is easy to change, and the changes are repeatable (there is a scale).you need a reference LP which has a track with space and clarity. ... 
Tweaks when building a listening room?
lots of good advice and ideas.i would recommend getting some professional advice on the effect of the shape of your ceiling on the sound. not all 'cathedral ceilings' are the same.....the solidity of the structure and the surface materials will ha... 
Celebrity Audiophiles? Do you guys know of any?
Randy Johnson (argueably the best southpaw of the the last 30 years) is an audiophile. back in 1997 when i traded in my Wilson WP 3/2's for 5.1's; he purchased them for his home in Arizona. i met him at the local dealer here when he picked the WP'... 
Best Turntable/arm/cartridge system for $30k
Arwp,your question has hit a nerve here for sure; what an exciting concept to be able to spend $30k for a first step into vinyl playback. it sounds like the investment in Lp software has also been considered.i own three tt's; one way over $30k and... 
Platter Upgrade for Garrard 301
see my first post above....or vetterone@msn.com. 
source for posters and photographs of musicians
i'm no artist or interior decorator.....so i'm not representing myself as knowledgable about decorating. i built a listening room in a barn a few years ago and to start with the walls were quite sterile. i have spent some time (once my budget reco... 
Platter Upgrade for Garrard 301
ooops! i just realized i wrote 'plinth' in my post.....i meant 'platter'...Steve has sent me his new 'platter' design to try.sorry. they say your mind is the second thing to go..... 
Record mats for vintage tts
to properly judge any mat you need to somehow insure it is not moving around even a little. if one is stable but another less so you won't know what the mat itself is actually doing.maybe some double-backed tape, Elmers Glue, or light spray of art... 
Platter Upgrade for Garrard 301
i just recieved Steve Dobbins plinth design to try on my 301. i cannot yet say how it sounds but i am told by Steve and one of his 301 customers that it is the way to go and lowers the noise 4db or so. i'm waiting for a couple of cartridges to sho... 
Reason for buying old/classic turntables
Mapman,my opinion about DD verses belt drive is based more on my personal listening experience than on the technical merits, although there are many technical merits to support my listening experience conclusion.i'm likely not enough of a technica... 
Reason for buying old/classic turntables
One thing I do not understand is the recent renewed attraction or romance with direct drive tables. What's wrong with a good belt drive that is well able to rotate the platter at a constant speed. Doesn't a belt design provide a more natural and c... 
Reason for buying old/classic turntables
in the 60's, 70's and early 80's the largest consumer electronics companies in the world were spending their R&D money to perfect the tt technology.....particularly in Japan. especially in the area of direct drive systems. you see that Sony, P... 
Neil Young Live at Massey Hall 200 g LP,
on a musical level this is as good as it gets (assuming you like Neil Young). also; these tunes were mostly yet to become the incons they became....so historically this was a very special concert.sonically this Lp is better than the very very good... 
SP10 Mk II vs Mk III
the plan for the Steve Dobbins plinth for my Mk3 will be to remove the motor/platter from the Technics case. according to Steve; who has done a few of these Mk3's 'nude'; is that it further separates the Mk3 beyond the Mk2. since the Mk3 has quite...