
Responses from mikelavigne

Unipivot vs Linear Tracking
i have recently purchased three additional tunrtables, a Technics SP-10 Mk2, an SP-10 Mk3 and a Garrard 301. this is not any commentary on my Rockport; it is a matter of curiosity about all the excitment people are having with these vintage dd tt'... 
Unipivot vs Linear Tracking
Cjfrbw, you make some very good points. why a particular product sounds the way it does is always complicated. how would one elimiate all differencs between any two designs other than a pivot and linear tracking. the answer is not likely to ever o... 
Unipivot vs Linear Tracking
i must agree with Sirspeedy when he says...Yet,and yet....IMO,once you hear a "superb system" that employs an "elite" linear tracking arm(preferrably air bearing)the experience is akin to "what is assumed" regarding being exposed to something like... 
How LONG have you been an AUDIOGONER'?
Member since Sept 2000; lurking for a few years prior to that. 
Anyone going Phantom Center Channel?
i did the Phantom center in my room and loved it. i think the effectivness of the Phantom center depends on how optimized your room is for 2-channels. if you already have excellent center fill and depth then any center channel speaker will likely ... 
Amp Options for Evolution Acoustics Speakers
Mikeaudio, those of us with the MM3/MM2/dart are curious about your comment;As much as I hear that these speakers don't need much power to drive them, I believe you need, certainly more than 100W, to play them load enough to enjoy Rock music. So I... 
what is the best amp you've ever heard
since the character of amps does vary; i would mention a few 'best amps' i have heard.the Lamm ML3 at CES this year was wonderful......as it should be for 130 large....a bit on the dark side but very delicate and refined, it does space and tonalit... 
what is the best amp you've ever heard
since the character of amps does vary; i would mention a few 'best amps' i have heard.the Lamm ML3 at CES this year was wonderful......as it should be for 130 large....a bit on the dark side but very delicate and refined, it does space and tonalit... 
Amp Options for Evolution Acoustics Speakers
i do use the darTZeel; but i think almost any amp from a 7 watt SET on up would work logistically since (1) it is an easy load, 93db, 6 ohm (2) the amp only needs to power above 100hz, and (3) the integral subwoofer amp is so neutral it will mimic... 
Halcyonics under my tt. Wow
too bad Clarke doesn't come to the 'Gon......he would have eaten this up. :) 
Review: Playback Designs MPS-5 CD Player
Guido, sorry for the delay in my response, it's been a busy busy time.i'm am not that knowledgable about the challenges of the PC environment....but i am quite skeptical that any hard drive can compete with the best optical drives.....particularly... 
Halcyonics under my tt. Wow
18 months ago i had the Halcyonics in my system for one evening.....unbelieveable! and that was compared to my Grand Prix Audio Monaco SE with formula shelves which is among the very best passive isolation approaches. i had it under my digital tra... 
What Arm choices for the Garrard 301
i will be very interested in any answers as i have just purchased a Garrard 301. since the Garrard 301 is supposed to do fantastic bass; i would expect that a more neutral arm such as the Tri-Planar would be preferrable to.....say....some SME's or... 
Okay......best single box reference CD player
Its weird that everybody who has an Evolution Acoustics speaker has a Darzteel amp.the Evolution Acoustics use an integral digital amp to power the 15" woofers; which allow for a 93db, 6 ohm speaker which only needs a main amp to power above 100hz... 
Okay......best single box reference CD player
"Wow. How does the Playback Designs accomplish what apparently other players cannot? What is the difference or new innovation in a technical sense? The designer must be doing something special or unique?"the Playback Designs MPS-5 does all the obv...