
Responses from mikelavigne

The best speaker you ever heard?
Detlof, i agree that 'live' music can humble reproduced music.....but not always. in fact; the odds are dramatically against 'live' music sounding very good at all in most venues. either too loud, or lacking focus, or not in balance, or bad listen... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
but I have not been very happy with any speakers I have owned.Norm, that is a crying shame. i suppose we all have our own particular definition of 'happy'. i don't want to put words in your mouth.....so i would appreciate you expanding on your abo... 
Dartzeel 108 vs Ayre Mr-X
Charles, regarding the issue of break-in; the darts have the same issue as the MR-X. i have had 5 different darTZeel NHB-108 stereo amps in my system; three of which i had when brand new. when i was first loaned a brand new dart amp to try i still... 
the ultimate set up
Steve is an expert on this subject.for other info on this subject from an audiopile point of view i suggest visiting the 'PC' forum on audioasylum.com. there you can do a search for lots of things and find other informed people who can answer thes... 
How Many Turntables Have You Owned
in my 'early era', 1968 to 1978, i owned 4, an AR, a Dual, a Technics and a Thorens.....in no particular order and i don't remember the models. from 1979 thru 1995, during my 'kids growing up era' i owned a B&O linear tracker. since 1995 i hav... 
Review: Galibier Stelvio Turntable
Jazdoc,thank you for the very enjoyable visit the other night. your room is a great place to enjoy music, and the hospitality was second to none. i wish i knew music half as well as yourself. the Galibier Stelvio is a very sweet machine; and the T... 
Best Digital Source That Money Can Buy?
Cappuccio, congrats on the Burmester 069, i read Valin's review in Absolute Sound.....very nice.i will look forward to getting a chance to hear the 069 for myself.....hopefully at RMAF or CES.you can purchase a pretty good tt for $65k.sorry....i c... 
Best Digital Source That Money Can Buy?
Guido, sorry for the lateness of my response, i had earlier missed your question.yes; my MPS-5 has completed break-in.....about 2 to 3 weeks ago. i got it in early June, played it continually for 100 hours and it was very good. then over a 4 week ... 
why are two subs harder to place than full range?
the problem is not one of subwoofer placement; separate subwoofers are easier to place correctly than full range speakers. the problem is integration. unless the subs perfectly integrate with the 'other' speakers seamlessly, perfect placement has ... 
Review: Galibier Stelvio Turntable
Jazdoc,congrats on the new toy and your 'not a review' gives me a good sense of it. i look forward to getting to hear it soon. i'm considering the Triplaner for my Garrard 301 so i'll be very interested in hearing how it sounds.we need pictures...... 
Best Digital Source That Money Can Buy?
first; i must re-form the question to be; "your preferred digital source regardless of price".the word 'best' infers both that you've heard them all in a very familiar system and taken the time to compare them 'all' directly to one another. neithe... 
which interconnect cable w/ playback designs mps-5
i just (last night late) got the 1.5m pair of 'zeel' BNC cables and they are installed. first impressions are positive (certainly nothing negative percieved....but it's early). i had been using the $13k Transparent Opus MM2 1.5m RCA and i also hav... 
Flattening a warped LP
one other note; you want a gradual increase in heat for both the Lp and the glass....so don't pre-heat the glass very much....just make sure it's not real cold. 
Flattening a warped LP
it's been a long time since i used this method. i think a standard residential window pane using tempered glass would be about right. too heavy and you could have the glass make an imprint on the grooves at the high spots. you are better off doing... 
Flattening a warped LP
if you only are flattening a couple of records; it is easy to do this yourself. all you need is a couple of clean plates of glass, an oven, and a way to clean the record. you can purchase the glass easily lots of places.you clean the record first....